Yellow-napes areendangered in their natural habitatwhich can be found along the Pacific Slope of Central America, in Southern Mexico and North-western Costa Rica. Deforestation is reducing the number of these parrots in the wild together with illegal removal of young for the pet trade. Descriptio...
The Yellow-crowned Amazon parrots are known for their playful antics and excellent talking abilities. This being said, talking ability will vary between birds and even though many of them are excellent talkers, some may never learn to talk. They are handsome and generally affectionate. Their ...
The Double Yellow Head or Yellow-headed Amazon (Amazona oratrix aka Amazona ochrocephala oratrix) is probably the best known of all the Amazon Parrots. Differentiating it from other related amazon parrots, this amazon possesses both the yellow nape and yellow crown –hence a “double-yellow”...
Amazon parrots (genus Amazona) are one of the most popular varieties of birds to keep as pets. There is good reason for this popularity. Many species of Amazons make excellent mimics and comical acrobats. They are also quite beautiful. If there is a drawback to owning Amazons, it is ...