If you no longer have the physical pre-paid credit card, we still store the card within your account. You can use the card toward future purchases. For orders that used the Amazon Currency Converter, we issue the refund in your local currency using the same rate as the original order. ...
Track your packages inYour Orders. Return Items You Ordered Return your orders using ourOnline Return Center. Check status of a refund Track your return and refunds inYour Orders. Update Your Password Update your password inYour account.
Track your packages inYour Orders. Return Items You Ordered Return your orders using ourOnline Return Center. Check status of a refund Track your return and refunds inYour Orders. Update Your Password Update your password inYour account.
To issue a refund manually: Open the merchant console. On the side menu, choose Orders, and then Returns. Find the order you want to refund, then choose the Actions icon. Choose Refund. To complete the refund, choose: The items in the order that you want to refund. Whether you want t...
Track your packages inYour Orders. Return Items You Ordered Return your orders using ourOnline Return Center. Check status of a refund Track your return and refunds inYour Orders. Update Your Password Update your password inYour account.
Create my account Please fill in the information below: First name Last name Email Password Create my account Already have an account?Login here 0 Cart Special items for the home Choice Matters Quality Products, Quality life. The pleasure of finding the difference. ...
首先依序选择Your Account > Your Orders。 在Personalization 买家可选择要对 商品评论(Product Reviews)还是卖家评级 (Seller Feedback)来做修改。 请注意:Product Reviews 随时可以编缉,因此要对买家好一点,以免他们回来改成差评! 选择要做修改的评论,看买家决定是要修改还是移除。
Track your packages in Your Orders. Return Items You Ordered Return your orders using our Online Return Center. Check status of a refund Track your return and refunds in Your Orders. Update Your Password Update your password in Your account. Amazon Prime Get detailed information on all Prime be...
How To Get A Refund On Amazon Follow the steps below to get a refund on Amazon Step 1: Log in to your Amazon account Step 2: Move toAccount and Listthen click onYour Accountfrom the drop-down Step 3: SelectYour Orders Step 4: Look for the item you want to return and click â€...
Track your packages inYour Orders. Return Items You Ordered Return your orders using ourOnline Return Center. Check status of a refund Track your return and refunds inYour Orders. Update Your Password Update your password inYour account.