Amazon Fire TV 43" Omni Series 4K UHD smart TV, hands-free with AlexaAmazon Fire TV 43" Omni Series 4K UHD… AmazonAmazon $329.99$329.99 $399.99$399.99 28,313 Smart TVs with Fire TV Panasonic W70 Series (2025 Model) 43" LED 4K Ultra HD Smart Fire TV, Press & Ask Alexa, Apple Ai...
Fire TV Omni QLED系列采用4K QLED显示屏和Alexa免提语音控制,实现无缝内容发现和导航,增强了智能电视体验。 开始构建 ❯ 查看完整规格 ❯ 其他Fire TV设备: Fire TV Omni系列 (2021) ❯ Fire 4系列 (2021) ❯ 智能电视 Fire TV为客户提供身临其境的10英尺屏幕观看体验,其中包括全球首款内置远场语音控制...
Amazon Fire TV 43" Omni Series 4K UHD smart TV, hands-free with AlexaAmazon Fire TV 43" Omni Series 4K UHD… AmazonAmazon $329.99$329.99$399.99$399.99 28,312 Smart TVs with Fire TV Panasonic W70 Series (2025 Model) 43" LED 4K Ultra HD Smart Fire TV, Press & Ask Alexa, Apple AirPl...
虽然现有的几款Fire TV设备已经支持助听器音频流(ASHA),但Fire TV Omni Mini-LED是第一款能够同时支持两种不同输出音频的型号。目前,这一功能仅适用于Fire TV Omni Mini-LED电视系列,并将很快被推出。 亚马逊已与助听器制造商WS Audio...
Amazon Fire TV 43" Omni Series 4K UHD smart TV, hands-free with AlexaAmazon Fire TV 43" Omni Series 4K UHD… AmazonAmazon $399.99$399.99 28,298 Smart TVs with Fire TV Panasonic W70 Series (2025 Model) 43" LED 4K Ultra HD Smart Fire TV, Press & Ask Alexa, Apple AirPlay, HDR10+,...
Amazon hasexpandedits Fire TV product lineup with the introduction of the Fire TV Omni Mini-LED Series, Fire TV Soundbar Plus Series, and an updated Fire TV 4-Series. With over 250 million Fire TV devices sold globally, the company continues to focus on improving picture quali...
Fire TV Omni QLED Seriesには、65インチと75インチのサイズが用意されています。 Fire TV Omni QLED Series(2022、日本未対応)のデバイス仕様 機能説明 通称 Fire TV Omni QLED Series(2022、日本未対応) ECページでの表示名 Fire TV Omni QLED Series(2022、日本未対応) 発売年 2022年 販...
Amazon在2022年黑五前夕发售了Omni系列的高端品QLED 4K电视。厂方出了 65 吋和 75 吋的新款 Fire TV Omni,它们拥有高达96 个独立背光分区,而且内建了光线感应器。得益于这些新组件,装置可实现杜比视界 IQ 和 HDR10 Plus Adaptive 效果,并能自动根据环境调节画面亮度。除此之外,新引入的存在感应器也能在探测到...
Fire TV Stick 4K Max - 第1世代(2021) AFTKA Androidレベル28(Android 9) Fire OS 7 Stellantis(Jeep)- Wagoneer/Grand Wagoneer(日本未対応) AFTLFT962X3 Androidレベル28(Android 9) Fire OS 7 Fire TV Omni Series(2021、日本未対応) AFTTIFF43 Androidレベル28(Android 9) Fire OS 7 Fire TV ...
Amazon also unveiled the next-generation Echo Dot and Echo Auto in addition to the Fire TV Omni QLED Series, providing you new ways to extend Alexa’s convenience into every room of your house and your car. Amazon also showed off a new generation of Echo Dot Kids, which has a new look...