Ledger Nano S Plus (金色):完美的入門級硬體錢包,可安全地管理所有加密貨幣和 NFT。 4.5 顆星,最高 5 顆星 3,436 共1 筆優惠,售價為 US$79.00 元起 #37 128GB PNY Elite-X Fit Type-C USB 3.2 快閃磁碟機 – 讀取速度高達 200MB/s 、進階效能、方便的可攜式資料儲存、超精巧設計,Type-C 連接...
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As we approach Memorial Day, I write about Dave who has been the master of ceremonies for the event for the last six years. I met Dave while working for the Lowell Ledger in 2006. He came to my tiny cubicle office to tell me that he was organizing a clown parade to honor the 175th...
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