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To support the transition from DVD sales to our Beachbody on Demand streaming service, we needed a cloud platform that provides agility, scalability, and high availability. Amazon Aurora provides the foundation for our digital services, supporting over a million users every month with peaks of over...
Open AWS Support Center. 2. Choose Create case. 3. Choose Account and billing. 4. For Service, choose General Info and Getting Started. 5. For Category, choose Using AWS & Services. 6. Choose Next step: Additional information. Request a limit increase 35 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud ...
MegaCloud 3.1 Free Store your files in the Cloud with this Dropbox alternative Console 3.6 Free Enhance the Windows console with new and improved options nLite 4.4 Free Customize your Windows installation with precision FreeCharge - Mobile Recharge, Wallet & Bill Pay ...
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(Amazon EC2)提供最广泛、最深入的计算平台,拥有超过 750 个实例,可选择最新的处理器、存储、网络、操作系统和购买模型,以帮助您最好地满足工作负载的需求。我们是首家支持英特尔、AMD 和 Arm 处理器的主要云提供商,既是唯一具有按需 EC2 Mac 实例的云,也是唯一具有 400 Gbps 以太网网...
Use the AWS Management Console ‐ Step 2: Create an Oracle DB instance and Step 1: Create an EC2 instance Use AWS CloudFormation to create the database instance and EC2 instance ‐ (Optional) Create VPC, EC2 instance, and Oracle DB instance using AWS CloudFormation The...
例如 select * from MyTable。 No sqlReaderStoredProcedureName 此屬性是從來源資料表讀取資料的預存程序名稱。 最後一個 SQL 陳述式必須是預存程序中的 SELECT 陳述式。 No storedProcedureParameters 這些是預存程序的參數。允許的值為名稱或值組。 參數的名稱和大小寫必須符合預存程序參數的名稱和大小寫。 No ...
For detailed steps to add a Region, see Adding an AWS Region to an Amazon Aurora global database. Add more AWS Regions as needed to recreate the topology needed to support your application. Make sure that application writes are sent to the correct Aurora DB cluster before, during, a...
Adobe Experience Platform為AWS、Google Cloud Platform和Azure等雲端提供者提供原生連線。 您可以將資料從這些系統帶入Platform。 雲端儲存空間來源可以將您自己的資料帶入Platform,而不需要下載、格式化或上傳。 內嵌的資料可以格式化為XDM JSON、XDM Parquet或分隔。 流程的每個步驟都會整合至來源工作流程。 Platf...
例如,將檔案放在 C:\MyTrustStoreFile。 在服務中,使用 EncryptionMethod=1 和對應的 TrustStore/TrustStorePassword 值來設定 Amazon RDS for Oracle 連接字串。 例如: Host=<host>;Port=<port>;Sid=<sid>;User Id=<username>;Password=<password>;EncryptionMethod=1;TrustStore=C:\\MyTrustStoreFile;TrustStore...