If you’re an author of any kind, it only makes sense to offer your books on Amazon through KDP. Signing up for an account is very simple, and you can have your own ebook published in no time.First, go to the Kindle Direct Publishing website and click “Sign up.”...
Brazil / Fantasy “I always dreamed of living off books, but it was something that seemed unattainable until I discovered Amazon KDP. With KDP, I gained readers in my country and even around the world.“ Visit Jéssica Macedo's author page...
You must provide the email address of the author who owns the KDP account. { "termsToken": "1b8bd385-026c-49f0-886b-95cfcd8979e0", "associations": [ { "amazonAuthor": { "email": "email-I-used-for-my-author-account@gmail.com" } } ] } Note The user registering under the sell...
Q: How can I learn more about publishing my book on Kindle? A: To learn more about publishing on Kindle, please visit http://kdp.amazon.com. If you are a publisher with an existing Amazon relationship, please visit https://vendorcentral.amazon.com. ...
Brazil / Fantasy “I always dreamed of living off books, but it was something that seemed unattainable until I discovered Amazon KDP. With KDP, I gained readers in my country and even around the world.“ Visit Jéssica Macedo's author page...
If you need someone who can assist you manage your KDP account and Publish your book on kindle for you? You are on the right page.I got great experience for virtual assistance for Amazon KDP Accounts and get your books in both ebook and print versions i...
If you already have an Amazon account, you can use your existing login details to log into Amazon KDP here. After you log in to your Kindle Direct Publishing account, the main dashboard will display. If this is your first Kindle eBook, the dashboard will be empty. Step one: Click the...
Brazil / Fantasy “I always dreamed of living off books, but it was something that seemed unattainable until I discovered Amazon KDP. With KDP, I gained readers in my country and even around the world.“ Visit Jéssica Macedo's author page...
Brazil / Fantasy “I always dreamed of living off books, but it was something that seemed unattainable until I discovered Amazon KDP. With KDP, I gained readers in my country and even around the world.“ Visit Jéssica Macedo's author page...
Q: How can I learn more about publishing my book on Kindle? A: To learn more about publishing on Kindle, please visithttp://kdp.amazon.com. If you are a publisher with an existing Amazon relationship, please visithttps://vendorcentral.amazon.com. ...