Learn about the "Amazon Mktplace Pmts" charge and why it appears on your credit card statement.Also Appears on Statements As "AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA"First seen on March 17, 2012, Last updated on April 13, 2022What is it? This is a charge from Amazon, an American ...
MKTPLACE是第三方的,具体什么东西,还是要楼主自己去问问看了,先在live chat客服,问问看是什么东西。 00您可能感兴趣的内容 买二手房需要注意什么? 想买最新二手房.咨询全新房价!每天提供最新二手房全新低价信息! 广告 2020年还想考取大专、本科学历的同学要注意了! 回归教育本质.大专院校介绍,大专专业介绍,报考条件...
Received several bills on my amazon statements and wasn't sure what they were (AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS). Figured out that if you go on Amazon.com/archive orders and match the order charges to the charge card statements you receive on your charge card, they add up. Go by the amounts and ...
Received several bills on my amazon statements and wasn't sure what they were (AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS). Figured out that if you go on Amazon.com/archive orders and match the order charges to the charge card statements you receive on your charge card, they add up. Go by the amounts and ...
Received several bills on my amazon statements and wasn't sure what they were (AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS). Figured out that if you go on Amazon.com/archive orders and match the order charges to the charge card statements you receive on your charge card, they add up. Go by the amounts and ...
bank bills: in by August 6th "AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS" button for $10.On August 8th AmazonPrime deducted $107 Membership (Membership fee has been returned to me)I want to know "AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS" deduct the $10, what is?Whether can return?My order number is:My account:
信用卡账单寄来,看见一个扣费了$50.46, 扣费名称写的是AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS,有谁知道这个是什么费用么?赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 海淘妹妹 2013-05-29 09:25:53 给大家推荐一个海淘购物分享网站 海淘贝 ,现在这个网站比较活跃,折扣信息比较及时准确,攻略频道做的也很不错;人气比较旺啊,喜欢海淘的...
AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名 亚马逊MKTPLACE PMTS2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名 亚马孙MKTPLACE PMTS 2013-05-23 12:24:58 回答:匿名亚马逊 MKTPLACE 并联机床 2013-05-23 12:26:38 回答:匿名亚马逊河 MKTPLACE PMTS 2013-05-23 12:28:18 回答:匿名...
I just checked my credit card transaction and found out that two transactions of $43.94 each took place from my credit card on the name of Amazon MKTPLACE PMTSAMZN.COM/BILLWA 01/07 on 8th Jan. Please can somebody tell me that what are these charges and why it has been deducted from ...