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用户所借电子书并没有明确的归还期限,用户在借下一本电子书时,上一次借的书就会从 Kindle 设备上消失。 持有当地图书卡的用户可以借阅全国1.1万家图书馆的电子书版本。 AmazonKindle Unlimited服务,在北美的价格是9.9美元/月,国内的12元每月,包年优惠至118,这个价格还是非常良心的。 试用体验: 为了推广这项服务,亚...
亚马逊正式在美国推出电子书订阅服务Kindle Unlimited,每月9.99美元60万部图书随你读 海绵宝宝614 手不释卷 9 昨天,有消息称亚马逊正在测试电子书和有声书订阅服务Kindle Unlimited。今天,亚马逊正式推出了这项服务。不过这项服务的范围目前仅限于美国。 yykris 照萤映雪 7 求一个美国地址 信用卡账单与送货地址...
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When you're ready, select the option to transfer your account to complete the process. Note: Kindle Unlimited subscriptions can’t be transferred to a new country or region. If your country changes, your subscription is cancelled and your titles borrowed through Kindle Unlimited are automatically ...
不久前我们刚报道了Amazon测试电子书订阅服务的消息,如今Kindle Unlimited已正式对外推出,和之前曝光的一样,每月支付9.99美元(约合62元),便可不受限制地阅读多达60多万部电子书和上千部有声读物,除支持自家的Kindle设备,像iOS和Andriod平台上支持Kindle应用的设备,也可以成为Kindle Unlimited的阅读载体。亚马逊的老传统...
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Did you know? You can manage your Kindle content, registered devices, and many account settings directly here: Manage Your Content and Devices For more help, try ourKindle Family Forum Popular Topics Return a Kindle Book Order Kindle Content isn't Showing in Your Library ...
Upload your manuscript and distribute youreBookin Kindle Stores around the world. Reach even more readers with Kindle Unlimited. Print books Bring your book to life inpaperbackandhardcoverformats. KDP will print your books on demand and ship them to customers around the world. ...
Amazon Kindle Unlimited is one of the lesser known consumer subscription services. Here are the benefits you get out of this premium service. By Mahmoud Itani Apr 9, 2023 Kindle Scribe update delivers new writing tools, additional thicknesses, and subfolder creation Amazon The Kindle Scribe...