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Luna empowers game developers to easily reach multiple endpoints from a single source. Powered by AWS, the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, Luna brings gamers and developers together for new gaming experiences.
Amazon Luna is a cloud gaming platform developed and operated by Amazon. Play great games on devices you already own.
Connect directly to Amazon's custom game servers when playing on Luna, reducing roundtrip latency by 17 to 30 milliseconds vs. a local Bluetooth connection among Windows PC, Mac, and Fire TV. Just pick up and play Since Luna Controller talks directly to the cloud, there is no need for de...
Introducing Luna, Amazon’s cloud gaming service where it’s easy to play great games on devices you already own. No waiting for lengthy downloads—just play.
Introducing Luna, Amazon’s cloud gaming service where it’s easy to play great games on devices you already own. No waiting for lengthy downloads—just play.
Introducing Luna, Amazon’s cloud gaming service where it’s easy to play great games on devices you already own. No waiting for lengthy downloads—just play.
Introducing Luna, Amazon’s cloud gaming service where it’s easy to play great games on devices you already own. No waiting for lengthy downloads—just play.
• 登录您的Amazon Luna账户 • 前往设置页面 • 选择 “账户关联”标签 • 在Ubisoft+ 板块,选择“关联账户” • 在弹窗中,登录您的育碧账号 登录成功后,您的账户就会被关联。 您可以通过育碧账户信息的关联账户板块来取消您的Amazon Luna和育碧账户的关联。
亚马逊旗下的云游戏服务Luna早在2020年就开始布局,并于2022年3月首次在美国推出,Amazon Luna与该其他云游戏服务最大的不同在于用户不一定要订阅亚马逊服务也可访问。