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Provides the ammunition that Americans must have to express America’s winning conservative solutions. Offers ways to fight liberals and to defend and promote the American way! Uncommon Senseis the first book in the Think America Great (TAG) series of books. It is the tool that gives Americans...
At some points I thought he was definitely Jewish, then pessimist, then Buddhist, then Christian, new age, satanist, conservative, liberal, socialist, anarchist . . . ! And I still have no idea, and that's refreshing to have read such an apolitical/areligious text.It seems as though ...
“Some mid-level censor at Amazon appears to be conducting an experiment in what they can get away with,”conservative New York Times columnist Ross Douthattweeted. In a Tuesdayarticle, Anderson said neither he nor his publisher were told the book was being removed from Amazon and pointed out...
[39]Henderson, P. V. N. (2008). Gabriel García Moreno and Conservative State Formation in the Andes. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. [40]Hill, J. (1996). Introduction. In J. Hill (Ed.), History, Power, and Identity: Ethnogenesis in the Americas, 1492-1992 (pp. 1-19)....
To the extent that hypocrisy about sexual matters exists in the West, I condemn it. However, to argue that Chinese society is more liberal-minded about sexuality and less hypocritical is a joke. Chinese society is EXTREMELY conservative about sexuality and especially hypocritical about women's ...
US Political Affiliation - Conservative: $0.40 US Political Affiliation - Liberal: $0.40 Vacation Frequency - Every Few Years: $0.30 Vacation Frequency - Every Month: $0.30 Vacation Frequency - Every Quarter: $0.30 Vacation Frequency - Every Year: $0.30 Vacation Frequency - Never: $0.30 Voted ...
This is a warning that while Europe is too liberal the U.S. is too conservative. The path to success is some where in the middle. Read more Published 5 months ago by Jeff St Louis http://www.amazon.com/Rise-Creative-Class-Transforming-Community/dp/0465024777/s... 1/25/2008 Amazon....
testimony to the brokenness of the white working class, but also its strengths. It’s one of the best books I’ve ever read… [T]he most important book of 2016. You cannot understand what’s ha...
“I do think they should be forced to sell off huge parts,” he says. “They’re too big.” William Kristol, a prominent conservative, has criticised the concentration of power gathered by Amazon© Getty Images The view is echoedby Mr Kristol, a prominent former official in the Reagan...