虽然领导者关注竞争对手,但他们真正痴迷于客户。 2.Ownership (主人翁精神) Leaders are owners. They think long term and don’t sacrifice long-term value for short-term results. They act on behalf of the entire company, beyond just their own team. They never say “that’s not my job.” 领...
1、什么是14 Leadership Principles? Amazon这套14 Leadership Principles是它的Founder CEO Jeff Bezos创立,也是Amazon员工被鼓励的工作价值观,被誉为是驱使Amazon成功的因素之一。Amazon鼓励员工展现passion (激情)和有必要的confrontation (对峙)。他们非常重视创新,员工有时会彼此激烈竞争,来带动项目,展示对公司持续成功...
顾客至上的理念渗透到点点滴滴地工作中。 2.主人翁精神 (Ownership) 作为领导者要求要有主人翁精神,从长远考虑事情,不会为了短期的利益牺牲长期的价值。所做所言,不仅仅代表着你的team,更是整个公司,绝不会说“这不是我的工作”。既然是主人翁精神,那就是把公司当成自己的family,时刻“保护维护”着它。 3.创新...
What are Amazon Leadership Principles? 14 Amazon Leadership Principles For Business Growth 1. Customer Obsession 2. Ownership 3. Invent and Simplify 4. Are Right, a Lot 5. Learn and Be Curious 6. Hire and Develop the Best 7. Insist on the Highest Standards 8. Think Big 9. Bias for ...
Leadership Principles,也就是领导力准则,不仅仅是几条用来鼓舞人心的口号,更是成就了Amazon特有公司文化的秘诀。不管是为新项目讨论创意、寻找解决客户问题的方案,还是面试求职者时,它都是Amazon员工的重要参考标准和行为准则。 Customer Obsession 顾客至尚
Amazon 面试必问的Leadership Principles (领导力准则) 全面解析 Leadership Principles,也就是领导力准则,不仅仅是几条用来鼓舞人心的口号,更是成就了Amazon特有公司文化的秘诀。不管是为新项目寻找创意,寻找找解决客户问题的方案,还是面试求职者,它都是Amazon员工的重要参考标准和行为准则。
What are Amazon’s Leadership Principles 1. Customer Obsession 2. Ownership 3. Invent and Simplify 4. Are Right, A Lot 5. Learn and Be Curious 6. Hire and Develop the Best 7. Insist on the Highest Standards 8. Think Big 9. Bias for Action ...
Our unique Amazon culture, described by our Leadership Principles, helps us relentlessly pursue our mission of being Earth’s most customer-centric company, best employer, and safest place to work. Customer Obsession Ownership Invent and Simplify Are Right, A Lot Learn and Be Curious Hire and ...
Embracing the Amazon Leadership Principles fosters a culture of customer obsession, ownership, and experimentation. Doing so has supported my capabilities and success delivered on behalf of my public sector customers, who I’ve witnessed embracing the Leadership Principles. While they’re not al...
At Amazon, leadership is not just about the title or position one holds. It is about taking ownership, being customer-obsessed, and driving innovation. Amazon’s leadership principles guide the way its employees think, act, and make decisions. In this document, we will dive into the different...