Amazon has launched a Kindle Unlimited promotion where new customers can sign up for two months for free in the UK, then £9.49 per month after.
Amazon Kindle Unlimited现在优惠,免费试用 3 个月的服务,期间可无限阅读 Kindle 电子书,开始后可立即取消续订。 Kindle Unlimited 是亚马逊推出的一项服务,订阅后便可以无限阅读 60 万册电子书和音频书。 06/20/2023 更新:又有了,而且这次是3 个月免费服务(以前都是 2 个月),机会难得! Offer 链接:点击这里或...
Having already launched a while ago in the US and UK, Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited subscription service has finally landed in Australian today. Kind of like Spotify for bookworms, Kindle Unlimited offers over a million titles to read for a monthly fee of $13.99 after a 30 day free trial ...
用户所借电子书并没有明确的归还期限,用户在借下一本电子书时,上一次借的书就会从 Kindle 设备上消失。 持有当地图书卡的用户可以借阅全国1.1万家图书馆的电子书版本。 AmazonKindle Unlimited服务,在北美的价格是9.9美元/月,国内的12元每月,包年优惠至118,这个价格还是非常良心的。 试用体验: 为了推广这项服务,亚...
Earn your share of the KDP Select Global Fund when customers read your books from Kindle Unlimited. Plus, earn 70% royalty for sales to customers in Japan, India, Brazil and Mexico. Maximize your book’s sales potential Choose between two great promotional tools: Kindle Countdown Deals, ti...
Earn up to 70% royalty and offer your eBook onKindle Unlimitedby enrolling inKDP Select. Keep control Retain ownership of your content, publish on your schedule, and set your own list prices. Join KDP Learn how to publish Share your story ...
据外媒GigaOM报道,Amazon正在测试名为“Kindle Unlimited”的电子书和有声读物的订阅服务,用户每月支付9.99美元(约合62元),便可不受限制(Unlimited)的阅读多达60多万部电子书和1000多部有声读物。 为了证实此消息绝对可靠,GigaOM还搜集到了此服务的相关页面和视频介绍。我们看到,包括畅销书《少年派的奇幻漂流》、《大...
帝国军官501 一介书生 1 美国amazon的kindle unlimited 和中国的kindle unlimited 两个有什么区别吗?我看了美国的kindle unlimited 好贵啊! 祭酒的罗小黑 汗牛充栋 13 美亚和中亚的区别,帐号不通用,而且书籍的主要语言都不同。登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频!
Amazon's Kindle deal includes a 3-month free trial to Kindle Unlimited and discounts the e-reader price to $84.99 -- the lowest price online.
Kindle Unlimited到中国应该也是迟早的事,关键看定价。目前中国Kindle商店单本图书售价大部分在10元以下,如果月租定在19或29元,相信对于经常读书的值友们来说是能接受的。而且Kindle资源和系统要做的再给力点才行啊,不然大家都刷多看阅读了。