Free shipping on millions of items. Get the best of Shopping and Entertainment with Prime. Enjoy low prices and great deals on the largest selection of everyday essentials and other products, including fashion, home, beauty, electronics, Alexa Devices, s
Amazon does not take title to returned items until the item arrives at our fulfillment center. At our discretion, a refund may be issued without requiring a return. In this situation, Amazon does not take title to the refunded item. For more information about our returns and refunds, please...
Dropshipping is allowed on eBay. However, listing an item on eBay and then purchasing the item from Amazon and shipping it directly to a customer is not allowed. In other words, dropshippers can have a presence on Amazon and eBay, but they can’t use Amazon to fulfill eBay orders. ...
The data field has the same schema as the Item data type from the Amazon Connect Participant Service with the addition of the following optional fields: ContactId, InitialContactId. Warning The messages received over websocket are not guranteed to be in order! Here is the code reference on ...
In contrast, the implementation of the getCatalogItem operation in the 2020-12-01 version expects an asin, a marketplaceIds array and an includedData array as input:let res = await spClient.callAPI({ operation: 'getCatalogItem', endpoint: 'catalogItems', query: { marketplaceIds: ['A1PA6...
A port can only be included in one port mapping per container. You cannot specify overlapping port ranges. The first port in the range must be less than last port in the range. Docker recommends that you turn off the docker-proxy in the Docker daemon config file when you have a large ...
This is included for backward compatibility. January 25, 2023 New error type Added the PendingVerification error for DeleteMessage, DisconnectUser, & SendEvent. December 5, 2022 WebSocket errors In the Chat Messaging API Reference, we updated descriptions of two WebSocket errors (Unauthorized & ...
But because this is a new attribute, it doesn’t exist for pre-existing items, which causes many items to not be included in the index. You must create a retrofitting script to generate the data for this new attribute on existing items so that they are included in the index. If this ...
Amazon Chime 提供易于使用的应用程序,可用于 Windows、Mac、Web、IOS 和 Android 设备。 如需一组实时通信组件快速为自己的 Web 或移动应用程序添加消息收发、音频、视频和屏幕共享功能,请访问Amazon Chime SDK。 优势 选择您的通信方式 使用一个应用程序搞定您的所有通信 ...
ParameterGetCatalogItem { ASIN = "B00JK2YANC", includedData = new[] { IncludedData.attributes, IncludedData.salesRanks, IncludedData.summaries, IncludedData.productTypes, IncludedData.relationships, IncludedData.dimensions, IncludedData.identifiers, IncludedData.images } }); Product SearchCatalogItems ...