Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) • Octroi d'un accès par programmation Inscrivez-vous pour un Compte AWS Si vous n'avez pas de Compte AWS, procédez comme suit pour en créer un. Pour vous inscrire à un Compte AWS 1. Ouvrez l'
MESSAGE 'Jobs retrieved.' TYPE 'I'. CATCH /aws1/cx_xl8internalserverex . MESSAGE 'An internal server error occurred. Retry your request.' TYPE 'E'. CATCH /aws1/cx_xl8invalidfilterex . MESSAGE 'The filter specified for the operation is not valid. Specify a different filter.' TYPE 'E...
AWS Free Tier 立即开始在 AWS 平台进行构建 无论您是需要计算能力、数据库存储、内容分发,还是其它功能,AWS 都能提供所需服务方便您构建极为复杂的应用程序,同时也能有助于提高灵活性、可扩展性和可靠性 开始免费使用 分析 免费试用 Amazon Redshift
AmazonElasticTranscoder_JobsSubmitter AmazonElasticTranscoder_ReadOnlyAccess AmazonElasticTranscoderRole AmazonEMRCleanupPolicy AmazonEMRContainersServiceRolePolicy AmazonEMRFullAccessPolicy_v2 AmazonEMRReadOnlyAccessPolicy_v2 AmazonEMRServerlessServiceRolePolicy AmazonEMRServicePolicy_v2 AmazonESCognitoAccess AmazonESFull...
AWS Certificate Manageris a service that lets you easily provision, manage, and deploy Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificates for use with AWS services and your internal connected resources. SSL/TLS certificates are used to secure network communications and establish...
打开注册. 2. 按照屏幕上的说明进行操作. 在注册时,将接到一通电话,要求使用电话键盘输入一个验证码. 步骤 1:设置账户 6 Amazon Comprehend Medical 开发人员指南 当您注册时 AWS 账户,就会创建AWS 账户根用户一个.根用户有权访问该账户中的所有 AWS 服务 和资源.作为...
Glue jobs for ETL, Amazon OpenSearch for Analytics, Amazon Neptune for Database, Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow for orchestration, and data categories like Assets & Relationships, Findings, and Vulnerabilities." width="1426" height="1596"> Data ingestion The modules for code-to...
Compensation: view pay, tax, and direct deposit information News: stay up to date with the latest happenings internal to Amazon Profile: update personal information, emergency contacts, and view your discount code Resources: visit several other employee resources for new jobs, retirement ...
In Amazon Pinpoint, you create import jobs to create segments based on endpoint definitions that are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. mobiletargeting:PutEvents Creates a new event to record for endpoints, or creates or updates endpoint data that existing events are associated with. • URI – ...
AWS Billing and Cost ManagementAWSPaymentPortalService.GetEntitiesByIdsAção do console AWS Billing and Cost ManagementAWSPaymentPortalService.GetFundingDocumentsAção do console AWS Billing and Cost ManagementAWSPaymentPortalService.GetKybcValidationStatusAção do console ...