Policy Generator を使用し、次の手順に従ってシンプルな送信承認ポリシーを作成できます。 Policy Generatorを用してポリシーを作成するには AWS Management Console にサインインして Amazon SES コンソール (https://console.aws.amazon.com/ses/) を開きます。
如果选择Policy generator(策略生成器),AWS 策略生成器将在新窗口中打开。 在AWS 策略生成器页面上,对于选择策略类型,选择S3 存储桶策略。 通过在提供的字段中输入信息来添加语句,然后选择添加语句。对所有您想添加的语句重复执行此步骤。有关这些字段的更多信息,请参阅《IAM 用户指南》中的IAM JSON 策略元素参考。
Netflix/security_monkey 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 - Monitors policy changes and alerts on insecure configurations. RiotGames/cloud-inquisitor 🔥🔥 - Tool to enforce ownership and data security. salesforce/policy_sentry 🔥🔥🔥🔥 - IAM Least Privilege Policy Generator. sebsto/AWSVPN 🔥 - Start...
Then, using those instructions, use the following template to create an IAM policy named lambda-saml-certificate-expiration-monitoring-function-policy for the Lambda role to use. Replace <REGION> with your Region, <AWS-ACCT-NUMBER> with your AWS account ID, <SNS-ARN...
{:role-arn "arn:aws:iam:xxxx:role/firehose_delivery_role", :bucket-arn "arn:aws:s3:::my-test-bucket"}) ;; => {:delivery-stream-arn "arn:aws:firehose:us-west-2:xxxxx:deliverystream/my-test-firehose-2"} ;; Describe delivery stream (fh/describe-delivery-stream cred :delivery-stream-...
Advanced Web URLs Generator. Support forStatic Website Hosting. Support forAmazon S3 Bucket Policies. Support forCost Allocation TaggingandCross-Origin Resource Sharing. Command Line Tools - Automate your Amazon S3 Tasks with ease! Bandwidth throttling and proxy support. ...
Use CloudFormation template to create an IAM role. Copy-paste the IAM Role ARN into AmazonSecurityHub Role ARN. Select the AWS region where you’ve set up the Security Hub. Create subscriptions to send SNS messages to Opsgenie Selecting an SNS topic for the target lets you publish the ...
Users can verify their identities using SMS or a Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) generator. When Amazon Cognito detects users have entered credentials that have been compromised elsewhere, it prompts a password change. Integration with AWS Lambda You can create an AWS Lambda function and the...
Web URL Generator - how to generate time-limited URLs for your files Working with filters. How to filter out the list of files. Command Line Tools - Automate your Amazon S3 Tasks with ease! Security Scan Tool - Find Unprotected Buckets and Fix Security Settings in One Click. ...