are judges who rate each conversation from one to five stars. if a judge thinks that a conversation has gone off the rails, he can press a button on a handheld wand; if a second judge does so, the conversation and the session timer are halted. nobody knows which bot is which. not ...
e.g. A bug in the YAML parser used by the Ruby on Rails admin site is much less serious when the admin site is only visible to the private network and accessed through VPN. Another common pattern (especially as deployments get larger, security or regulatory requirements get more stringent,...
On the other hand, that is very poor if you don’t have backups! By contrast, S3 durability is extremely high. If you care about your data, back it up to S3 with snapshots. 🔸EBS has an SLA with 99.95% uptime. See notes on high availability below. ❗EBS volumes have a volume...
e.g. A bug in the YAML parser used by the Ruby on Rails admin site is much less serious when the admin site is only visible to the private network and accessed through VPN. Another common pattern (especially as deployments get larger, security or regulatory requirements get more stringent,...
On the other hand, that is very poor if you don’t have backups! By contrast, S3 durability is extremely high. If you care about your data, back it up S3 with snapshots. 🔸EBS has an SLA with 99.95% uptime. See notes on high availability below. ❗EBS volumes have a volume ...
e.g. A bug in the YAML parser used by the Ruby on Rails admin site is much less serious when the admin site is only visible to the private network and accessed through VPN. Another common pattern (especially as deployments get larger, security or regulatory requirements get more stringent,...
e.g. A bug in the YAML parser used by the Ruby on Rails admin site is much less serious when the admin site is only visible to the private network and accessed through VPN. Another common pattern (especially as deployments get larger, security or regulatory requirements get more stringent,...
e.g. A bug in the YAML parser used by the Ruby on Rails admin site is much less serious when the admin site is only visible to the private network and accessed through VPN. Another common pattern (especially as deployments get larger, security or regulatory requirements get more stringent,...
e.g. A bug in the YAML parser used by the Ruby on Rails admin site is much less serious when the admin site is only visible to the private network and accessed through VPN. Another common pattern (especially as deployments get larger, security or regulatory requirements get more stringent,...
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