If set to 0, the keepalive message is disabled. — Available since version 2017.0-4100. display Parameters The following table describes the configuration parameters in the [display] section of the /etc/dcv/dcv.conf file for Linux Amazon DCV servers, and the display registry key for ...
Was able to retrieve it with my handy grabber stick. I now keep it on TOP of the mini-fridge with the small end extending over the side (see photo); no more dropsy! This is a great tool for elderly, disabled, or just needing to save your fingernails. 13 people found this helpful ...
development of ofxRPiCameraVideoGrabber, an addon to control the native Raspberry Pi camera in openFrameworks committed on 25 February, 2015 lower cpu in termninal listener fx-lange ofxTangibleUI abstract core for tangible/movable user interfaces - easy to extend and implement in your own project...