Once you are selected as a recipient, the Amazon Future Engineer scholarship program will take a look at your financial aid package to determine how much funding you need. If your financial aid package shows that you have an unmet need of $9,000 per year, the Amazon Future Engineer Scholar...
In addition to a $40,000 scholarship, Amazon Future Engineer students also receive an offer to complete a summer internship at Amazon! While working at Amazon, AFE interns work embedded on a software or hardware engineering team and pair up with a co-intern, manager, and mentors to build pr...
Amazon is known for its long-term thinking style and we know that coding is the language of the future. Additionally, STEM education and computer science are ingrained into the work many Amazonians rely on day in and day out.
AWS Generative AI Scholarship, AWS will provide Udacity scholarships, valued at more than $12 million, to more than 50,000 high school and university students from underserved and underrepresented communities globally. We want to help as many students as possible. Eligible students can take the new...
As students get older, we also offer various computer science challenges in schools and theAmazon Future Engineer Scholarship. The scholarship is an award of up to $40,000 for high school seniors pursuing a degree in computer science, engineering, or a related STEM focus at a college...
Amazon is kicking off a new collaboration between Amazon Future Engineer and Code.org to launch Hour of Code Dance Party: AI Edition. During this hour-long introduction to coding and AI, students will create their own virtual music vide...
Cambridge Sociologist Dr Montserrat Guibernat once defined a nation as: “a human group conscious of forming a community, sharing a common culture, attached to a clearly demarcated territory, having a common past and a common project for the future and claiming the right to rule itself.” (199...