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She rushes to the chalk boards. Erases everything. Starts over. INT. SPACE TASK GROUP - ANOTHER DAY Once again, Katherine's at the chalkboard. The entire surface is full of calculations. Katherine, one hand holding the textbook, the other her chalk, finishes the last bit of math on the...
It was only when the bottle of wine was empty and he was eating the last cake that the old man lifted his head. He seemed surprised to see a half-eaten cake in his hand. "I've been eating someone's food," he said to himself. He looked up and saw me sitting nearby. "You, ...
They have a banner and a cake with candles and everything! They YANK OPEN THE CURTAINS, letting the sun in, as they CHEER. Dracula SCREAMS and the sun INSTANTLY turns him to a statue of dust. NARRATOR (V.O.) But eventually, the party was over. A Minion nervously blows out the ...
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