由于是首代产品,FirePhone在系统和操作上的许多改变也许让许多消费者觉得措手不及,但是我觉得Amazon 为千篇一律的智能手机市场特别是安卓手机市场注入了新鲜血液 。对Amazon来说,Fire Phone 的意义远不只是一台智能手机,而是深度整合了 Prime 生态系统的移动终端。当然,仅就我简单使用的这半个月来说,也感觉到很多不...
前几天收到了美亚对fire phone 的意见征求电邮,看来2代呼之欲出了,让我们一起期待它再次销量不给力,然后打折促销吧
当然Fire Phone针对的用户是亚马逊的购买群体,而且是美国地区,所以Fire OS没有中文,并且某些服务是不能使用的,所以使用起来还是略感觉有点别扭。 Fire Phone使用了一颗1300万像素后置摄像头,而各种功能基本也是没有,除了一个HDR之外。 实际拍摄样张,就样张而言,Fire Phone是较为不错的。首先Fire Phone的对焦以及快门...
As expected, Amazon announced that the Fire Phone will be an AT&T exclusive. The device is available on several different AT&T plans, including the Next Plan. Anyone who wants a Fire Phone can preorder it today. The full price of the Fire Phone is $650 for a 32GB unit or $750 for a...
第二部分发布Fire Phone,前面在讲硬件配置和亚马逊集成在上面的服务,说实话,在硬件配置上就是一款主流...
Despite its daring aspirations and 3D-like party tricks, the brave, new Fire Phone's lack of Google services will alienate anyone who expects the flexibility of a modern Android phone. What doesn't work is the premium retail price, the so-so performance, and the slightly sub-prime specs. ...
而在今天凌晨,这个空缺也终于被填满,Jeff Bezos 在西雅图的发表会上端出了单机价 US$649 起(约 HK$5,050 / NT$19,550)的 Fire phone。这款产品果然如传闻的那样搭载有 6 个相机,在其帮助下用户可以有非常不同的「动态视角」3D 体验。除此之外,Amazon 的客服服务和 Firefly 功能也是非常不错的卖点,虽然...
等待解锁:Amazon 亚马逊 Fire Phone 手机 32GB 来smzdm一一年多了,之前都比较低调(其实是太懒),这是我的第一篇晒单。我一直比较喜欢小众的东 西,所以手机也不例外。amazon fire phone 刚发布的时候就主意到了。刚上市的时候比较穷。所以等了一个多月才买。
The new Amazon phone is dubbed the Fire Phone and appears to be a pretty nice contender in the smartphone world. Here are the basic specs so far: 4.7in screen 2.2GHz processor Adreno 330 graphics 2GB of RAM 13MP rear facing camera ...
Amazon's entry is "full of gimmicks" and "lacking basics," Fowlerwrote,comparing the device to "the grown-up equivalent of a 9-year-old riding a bike with his hands in the air." While others focused mainly on the Fire Phone's software, Fowler primarily took its hardw...