FBA不也是第三方仓库么?没错!凡是你的库存到过的FBA仓库,你在这些FBA仓库所在的州都构成了Nexus。Amazon在美国24个州都有FBA仓库,除了NH和DE没有Sales Tax外,理论上说,跨境电商可能需要替多达22个州代收Sales Tax! 州税局怎么知道我的库存到过哪些FBA仓库,哪些州?Amazon卖家账号里有一个你从来都没有注意过的re...
Yes, you will need to pay sales tax when selling on Amazon. If you’re collecting sales tax from your customers on Amazon, you must remit that tax to the government to stay legally within the glorious U.S. tax laws. Are There Any Instances Where Amazon FBA Sales Tax Doesn’t Apply?
比如尽可能靠近美国人口密集区,靠近港口,靠近高速公路,靠近FBA仓库集群;周边的劳动力资源和价格;周边的配套设施;周边仓库的保有率等等。如果一定要从Sales Tax角度出发,那就在24个已经有FBA仓库的州挑好了,这样你至少不会再第25个州形成Nexus,多一事不如少一事。另外DE和NH都没有Sales Tax。 What Now? 对策?
Product sales (non-FBA),卖家自行配送商品(即FBM发货)的商品销售总额。 Product sale refunds (non-FBA),针对卖家自行配送商品的商品销售退款,从卖家的账户结余中扣除的金额。FBA product sales,亚马逊FBA配送商品的商品销售总额。 FBA product sale refunds,针对亚马逊FBA配送商品的商品销售退款,从卖家的账户结余中扣...
For example, if the sales tax rate for the item you’re selling is 8.25%, then the sales tax rate for shipping on that item will also be 8.25%. If the item is not taxable, then the shipping, handling, or gift wrap will not be taxed. Tax Settings for FBA States If you have ...
FBA Sellers and Nexus:The easiest way to determine if you have nexus is whether you have inventory in an FBA Fulfilment center (FC). To the best of our knowledge, Amazon has FCs in sixteen different states. Two of those states, (NH & DE) do not have sales tax. So for the rest of...
说到这跨境电商很多人都想到第三方仓库,其实库存到过的FBA仓库,你在这些FBA仓库所在的州都构成了Nexus。Amazon在美国24个州都有FBA仓库,除了NH和DE没有Sales Tax外,理论上说,跨境电商可能需要替多达22个州代收Sales Tax! 如果不代缴Sales Tax会产生什么后果?
Calculate your unadjusted gross sales by adding the amounts in the report columns together; they’re listed in the two charts. Do I need a business license to be an Amazon FBA seller? No! Unless your state requires you to have one, you don’t have to have a business license to sell ...
What is the Amazon sales tax? The fundamentals of sales tax Amazon FBA sales tax How to register for a sales tax permit? When do Amazon sellers have to collect sales tax? How to collect sales tax on Amazon? Which states are included in Amazon FBA tax amnesty?
FBA product sales:亚马逊FBA配送商品的商品销售总额。 FBA product sale refunds:针对亚马逊FBA配送商品的商品销售退款,从卖家的账户结余中扣除的金额。 FBA inventory credit:亚马逊确定有责任为已丢失或已残损库存向卖家偿还的金额。例如订单退款,货物未在45天内退还至库房为卖家进行的赔偿。