Quick solutions Your Orders Track or cancel orders Returns & Refunds Exchange or return items Manage Prime Cancel or view benefits Payment Settings Add or edit payment methods Carrier Info Shipping carrier information Account Settings Change email or password...
Quick solutions Your Orders Track or cancel orders Returns & Refunds Exchange or return items Manage Prime Cancel or view benefits Payment Settings Add or edit payment methods Carrier Info Shipping carrier information Account Settings Change email or password...
We can't find the page you were trying to reach. We apologize for the inconvenience. We keep an eye on pages that cannot be displayed, and we work to resolve any issues as quickly as possible. TheHelp homepagemay be able to help you find the information you're looking for....
您正在访问Amazon.com,也可以在亚马逊中国网站上购买数以百万计的商品,并享受当地快速配送服务。单击此处以转至amazon.cn 游戏配件 头戴式耳机 键盘 电脑鼠标 椅子 适合您的 玩具 畅销商品 为中国大陆推荐的热门精选 家居和厨具 购买宠物用品 玩具新品 与家人共享更多乐趣 ...
You can return many eligible items sold on Amazon.com . When you return an item, you may see different return options depending on the seller, item, or reason for return.
Carrier contact information Finding your carrier To find out who is delivering your item: go toYour Orders selectTrack Package find the carrier name and tracking number It might be a different carrier for each package. When to contact a carrier ...
Amazon SES users do not need to sign up for any other AWS services. Any application with Internet access can use Amazon SES to deliver email, whether that application runs in your own data center, within Amazon EC2, or as a client software solution. ...
Attach the document to your email. Be sure that your device is connected to the internet. The delivery for your documents will be attempted for up to 60 days. Related Help Topics Add an Email Address to Receive Documents in Your Kindle Library ...
Once your request is processed, a secure download link will be sent to the email address associated with the account. If you need help with a data request that's in-progress or completed, please Contact Us. Additional Support For issues with your password or with logging into your account...
If Amazon is not in your area, but you have a current FedEx account then they can schedule a pickup through it. Please contact Amazon by email and request for their live chat representative to coordinate this process. Otherwise, if there is no UPS center nearby or an authorized shipper nea...