AWS Elemental MediaConvertist ein neuer dateibasierter Videotranscodierungsdienst, der eine umfassende Suite von erweiterten Transcodierungsfunktionen bietet. Die Tarife beginnen bei 0,0075 USD/Minute.Weitere Informationen. Benutzen Sie bereits Amazon Elastic Transcoder? Eine Migration zu MediaConvert ist...
雲端中的媒體轉碼:Amazon Elastic Transcoder 提供一種簡單且經濟實惠的媒體檔案轉換方法,開發人員可利用這種方法在各種裝置上播放檔案。
You can specify Amazon S3 buckets in a different region than your Elastic Transcoder resources, but we don't recommend it because you'll incur additional charges for transferring files between AWS regions. For more information on cross-regional fees, see Data Transfer Pricing inAmazon S3 Pricing...
系統預設 支援結束通知:2025 年 11 月 13 日, AWS 將停止對 Amazon Elastic Transcoder 的支援。2025 年 11 月 13 日後,您將無法再存取 Elastic Transcoder 主控台或 Elastic Transcoder 資源。 如需轉換至 的詳細資訊 AWS Elemental MediaConvert,請造訪此。 欲用於此任務之預設的Id物件值。預設設定決定了 Elast...
AWS also provides Amazon Elastic Transcoder, a packaged media transcoding service, and AWS Step Functions, a service that visualizes workflows for microservices-based applications. A development team can also create continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines with the following services: AWS ...
AWS also provides Amazon Elastic Transcoder, a packaged media transcoding service, and AWS Step Functions, a service that visualizes workflows for microservices-based applications. A development team can also create continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines with the following services: AWS ...
Amazon Elastic Transcoder 现在支持 MPEG-DASH Amazon Elastic Transcoder 增加了对 VP9 的支持 Amazon Elastic Transcoder 可透明、自动地为您管理媒体转码过程中的各个方面。无需管理软件、扩展硬件、调整性能或管理转码基础设施。您只需创建转码“作业”,即指定源媒体文件位置以及以何种方式转码即可。Amazon Elastic Tra...
(ns com.example (:use [ (list-pipelines) ;; -> {:pipelines []} (list-presets) ;; -> {:presets [{:description "System preset generic 1080p", ...}]} ;; status can be :Submitted :Progressing :Complete :Canceled :Error (list-jobs-by-status :status ...
amazon elastic transcoder 关键词的所有扩展包,罗列所有 Laravel 开源扩展包,支持按 Github Star 数量或者下载数量排序。
📒 Homepage ∙ Documentation ∙ FAQ ∙ Pricing (see also EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) is AWS’ offering of the most fundamental piece of cloud computing: A virtual private server. These “instances” can run most Linux, BSD, and Windows operating systems. Internally, ...