Device Software and Hardware Alexa Device Software Versions Check Your Echo Device's Software Version Update the Software on Your Echo Device Change Your Echo Device's Name Change the Wake Word on Your Echo Device Create Speaker Sets with Compatible Echo Devices Troubleshooting Set Up Doesn't ...
Visit the Amazon Customer Service site to find answers to common problems, use online chat, or call customer service phone number at 1-888-280-4331 for support.
Bei der Verwendung des eingebauten Mikrofons und der Lautsprecher kann es jedoch bei bestimmten Kommunikationsanwendungen zu einem Echo kommen. F: Funktioniert Audio-In mit mobilen Clients wie Android, iPadOS und Android-kompatiblen ChromeOS-Geräten? A: Audio-In wird auf Windows-, macOS-, ...
Echo Show, and Fire tablets. Save your photos to the Amazon Photos app, then safely delete them from devices like your phone or camera to free up space. Shopping is made easy right from the app: create custom keepsakes like wall décor, prints, and wall canvases for all your favorite ho...
6. How to force a software update for the Amazon Echo Like all modern digital devices, the Echo has a CPU at its core, and that means it's running software. That, in turn, means it needs updating (hey, even my light bulbs need updates these days). ...
The device also offers the ability to stereo pair with another Echo, as well as to add the Echo Sub. Sadly, I only had one Studio unit to test with, and the subwoofer pairing will only work after launch. I'll test those features and update the review when I get the chance. Other ...
To ensure that all of your software packages are up to date, perform a quick software update on your instance. This process might take a few minutes, but it is important to make sure that you have the latest security updates and bug fixes. The -y option installs the updates without aski...
sudo echo1>/proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock 要使此更改成为永久更改,并在重新启动后仍然有效,请编辑/etc/sysctl.conf文件并添加以下行: xen.independent_wallclock = 1 要验证这些更改,请重新启动系统: su-cat/proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock ...
sudo echo1>/proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock 要使此更改成为永久更改,并在重新启动后仍然有效,请编辑/etc/sysctl.conf文件并添加以下行: xen.independent_wallclock = 1 要验证这些更改,请重新启动系统: su-cat/proc/sys/xen/independent_wallclock ...
接下来,修改 OTA 演示非常简单。打开 aws_demo_runner.c 模块,找到位于模块末尾的 DEMO_RUNNER_RunDemos 函数。应对 vStartMQTTEchoDemo 调用添加注释,而 vStartOTAUpdateDemoTask 调用则取消注释。然后进行快速编译以构建项目,在引导程序功能启用的情况下,项目便可执行。