At Wednesday’sAmazon Devices & Services event, the company announced a brand-new lineup of Echo Dot devices. These include a new Echo Dot, Echo Dot with Clock, Echo Dot Kids, and a new Echo Auto device. The Echo Studio also received a couple of more color options, as well as a sof...
Amazon has unveiled a new range of Echo products, including the all-new Pop smart speaker that brings Alexa to an even lower price point than the Echo Dot. Alongside the Echo Pop, the company also announced the Echo Show 5, Echo Show 5 Kids, and the all-new Echo Buds. According to ...
Amazon has released a bevy of new products today, chief among which are the four new Echo models. The first is the new Echo, which is a combination of the previous Echo and Echo Plus models. The new Echo ditches the tower shaped design of the previous models for a new spherical shape....
In a special event, Amazon on Wednesday unveiled several new Echo products, led by an improved $99 standard Echo, the Echo Plus, and the display-equipped Echo Spot. Theupdated standard Echo, shipping Oct. 31 for $99.99, includes dedicated woofer and tweeter units, Dolby...
Amazon today announces additional ways for Australians to access Alexa with the launch of two new Echo products for the home and car. The line-up includes the all-new Echo Pop, a compact smart speaker available in four colour options to suit any home aesthetic, including two brand new col...
Tring out the new Echo Spot smart alarm clock.Credit: Samantha Mangino / Mashable AllEcho devicesare designed to utilize Amazon Alexa'sAIsuperpowers — it's just a matter of which form you want your Echo to take. TheEcho and Echo Dotaresmart speakers, which you can use for music, phone...
Amazon has released a ton of new Echo products with its Alexa assistant built-in. They range from refreshes to completely new moves into automated home appliances. For the new-generationEcho DotandEcho Plus, they get new designs, louder speakers and, for the Plus, there’s integrated an Zigb...
Who should get the Amazon Echo (4th gen)? Smart home fanaticswill love all that Amazon’s latest smart speaker has to offer. It’s compatible with all Ring and Zigbee products and has a responsive mic system for voice commands. Anyonecan get these smart speakers. If you want, you can ...
The Amazon Echo Dot vs. The Amazon Echo Pop… yes there is a tiny spaghetti stain on the Echo Dot, I blame the kids.Credit: SaVanna Shoemaker / Mashable However, it’s important to note that while the newest gen Echo Dot has a built-in temperature sensor, the Echo Pop does not. ...
Amazon is launching Day 1 Editions, a new way for the company to get new products out in limited volume, to customers, and to get real feedback. The first Day One Edition product is Echo Frames - Alexa-enabled glasses that let you get more done and be more present. They look li...