顾名思义,EBS(弹性块存储)和EFS(弹性文件系统)是EBS是块级存储,EFS是文件级存储。 可用性 我们知道EBS是直接附加到实例的,因此其中没有术语“可用性”的迹象,而Amazon EFS是高度耐用和高可用性的存储。 耐用性 EBS与硬盘相似,但是唯一的区别是EBS连接到虚拟EC2实例,并且其可靠性是普通硬盘的20倍。
Top uses for EBS vs. EFS Amazon EFS manages content and web applications well because it mimics the file structures web developers often use. Manycompanies use EFSfor application development and testing, web server support, big data analytics and digital transformation projects that migrate entire ap...
Browse these frequently asked questions FAQs to find answers to the most commonly asked questions about Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)
Amazon S3是一种基本的对象存储,可通过可访问 Intenet的 API1 提供数据。弹性块存储(EBS)是块级存储,供单个VM1 访问。弹性文件系统(EFS)是一个完全托管的文件系统,可以同时挂载在多个 EC2实例上。 为了执行复杂的SQL 查询,AWS提供了Amazon Redshift,它允许您分析结构化和半结构化数据并无缝查询数据湖和运营数据库...
Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) 是 Amazon EC2 執行個體的網路介面,可讓您在 AWS上大規模執行需要高層級節點間通訊的應用程式。其自訂的作業系統略過硬體介面可增強執行個體間通訊的效能,這對於擴展這些應用程式至關重要。藉由 EFA,使用訊息傳遞介面 (MPI) 的高效能運算 (HPC) 應用程式和使用 NVIDIA 集體通訊程式...
S3),用于与EC2一起使用的持久块存储的弹性块存储(EBS),以及用于文件存储的弹性文件系统(EFS) 。
Elastic Block Store (EBS) - Provides persistent block-level storage volumes for EC2. Elastic File System (EFS) - A file storage service for EC2 instances. Glacier - Provides a low-cost, long-term storage option, intended for archiving data. Import/Export - Accelerates moving large amounts of...
Konfiguration einer temporären Tablespace-Gruppe in einem Instance-Speicher und Amazon EBS Aktivieren von HugePages Aktivieren erweiterter Datentypen Importieren von Daten zu Oracle Importieren mit Oracle SQL Developer Migrieren mithilfe von Oracle Transportable Tablespaces Importieren mit Oracle Data...
In terms of EFS vs. FSx, the key attribute of the former is that it uses NFS, one of the first network file sharing protocols native to Unix and Linux. Windows has long provided an NFS client and server. Some Windows applications might not work on EFS or be feature-complete without acc...
S3 vs Glacier, EBS, and EFS: AWS offers many storage services, and several besides S3 offer file-type abstractions. Glacier is for cheaper and infrequently accessed archival storage. EBS, unlike S3, allows random access to file contents via a traditional filesystem, but can only be attached ...