Amazon EBS provides the following volume types, which differ in performance characteristics and price, so that you can tailor your storage performance and cost to the needs of your applications. Important There are several factors that can affect the performance of EBS volumes, such as instance con...
For Volume type, choose the type of volume to create. For more information about the available volume types, see Amazon EBS volume types. For Size, enter the size of the volume, in GiB. For more information, see Amazon EBS volume constraints. (For io1, io2, and gp3 only) For IOPS,...
Apprenez-en davantage sur les différents cas d’utilisation et caractéristiques de chaque type de volume Amazon EBS afin d’optimiser les performances, les coûts et la simplicité de votre charge de travail.
Extend the file system after resizing an Amazon EBS volume Extend EBS volume file system, resize EBS volume Linux, resize EBS volume Windows, extend XFS file system, extend Ext4 file system. February 7, 2025 Ebs › userguideAmazon EBS volume types SSD-backed volumes optimized for transactional...
Set up for Amazon EBS EBS volumes Features and benefits EBS volume types EBS volume constraints EBS volumes and NVMe Volume lifecycle Create a volume Attach a volume to an instance Attach a volume to multiple instances Make a volume available for use View volume details Modify a volume Detach ...
Ebs › userguideExtend the file system after resizing an Amazon EBS volume Extend EBS volume file system, resize EBS volume Linux, resize EBS volume Windows, extend XFS file system, extend Ext4 file system. February 7, 2025 Ebs › userguideAmazon EBS volume types SSD-backed volumes optimize...
Amazon EBS 提供以下卷类型,各种类型性能特点和价格不同,因此您可根据应用程序要求定制您所需的存储性能和相应成本。 重要 有多种因素会影响 EBS 卷的性能,如实例配置、I/O 特性和工作负载需求。为了充分利用 EBS 卷上预调配的 IOPS,请使用EBS 优化实例。有关充分利用 EBS 卷的更多信息,请参阅Amazon EBS 卷性...
Amazon EBS volume types SSD-backed volumes optimized for transactional workloads, HDD-backed volumes for large streaming workloads. November 8, 2024 Ebs › userguideMake an Amazon EBS volume available for use EBS volume preparation involves formatting, mounting, partitioning, ensuring availability, ...
Mit Amazon EBS-Elastic Volumes können die Volume-Größe erhöhen, den Volume-Typ ändern oder die Performance Ihrer EBS-Volumes anpassen. Wenn Ihre Instance Elastic Volumes unterstützt, müssen Sie das Volume nicht trennen oder die Instance neu starten. Auf diese Weise können Sie ...
Extend the file system after resizing an Amazon EBS volume Extend EBS volume file system, resize EBS volume Linux, resize EBS volume Windows, extend XFS file system, extend Ext4 file system. February 7, 2025 Ebs › userguideAmazon EBS volume types SSD-backed volumes optimized for transactional...