Amazon has announced it is closing three warehouses in the UK but, in the same breath, has said it will open two new mega distribution centres. The warehouses set for closure include its 450,000ft² facility on Boundary Way in Hemel Hempstead, its 297,231ft² site at Faulds Park i...
The diversification plans don’t stop there. Only last month John Lewis revealed plans to build 10,000 rental homes over the next decade in former department store car parks, above Waitrose supermarkets or next to distribution centres. The company is attempting to claw itself back to a position...
The Federal State of Amazonas (180,145 km2) covers an area as big as the UK, excluding Scotland. More than half of the 135,585 inhabitants live in the capital Puerto Ayacucho, which is situated in the far North-West of the territory. Amazonas is the most southern federal state of Venez...