1. Don’t provide expensive/late shipping Shipping is one of the most important considerations for any online shopper, and as an Amazon seller, you must ensure that you provide reasonable shipping fees and timely delivery. Overcharging for shipping or providing late shipping can cause customers to...
A delivery, order or return eBooks, Prime Videos, Music, or Games Prime Payment, charges or gift cards Address, security & privacy Memberships, subscriptions or communications Kindle, Fire, Alexa, or other Amazon devices eBooks, Prime Videos, Music, or Games ...
If you choose an HTTP endpoint as your destination, review and follow the instructions in Understand HTTP endpoint delivery request and response specifications. Provide values for the following fields: HTTP endpoint name - optional Specify a user friendly name for the HTTP endpoint. For example, ...
Delivery Cost Air freight Air freight UPS by default 7-12 days Yes High DETAIL Fast sea freight Sea freight UPS by default 15-20 days Yes Middle DETAIL Slow sea freight Sea freight UPS by default 25-30 days Yes Low DETAIL DDP shipping to Amazon FBA in USA from China By Fast Sea Freigh...
mParticle’s Event Integration with Amazon Kinesis sends data to a Kinesis Delivery Stream. To set up a Delivery Stream, follow Amazon’s instructions here. To set up the integration, you will need to: Create a Stream The Kinesis Stream Name and Kinesis Service Region are required for mParti...
Amazon has thoroughly developed its distribution process and customers have come to rely on quick, efficient delivery of their purchases. Sellers and buyers alike have peace of mind knowing that orders will be shipped out right away and the return process will be simple. This translates into ...
As a print on demand service, Merch can fulfill a fixed number of orders each day. If demand exceeds capacity, we may not be able to ship all orders so customers receive them by their expected delivery date. To ensure customer orders are shipped on time, we may temporarily reduce the ava...
Standard logging (v2) –You can send logs to delivery destinations, including Amazon CloudWatch Logs, Amazon Data Firehose, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Standard logging (legacy) –You can only send logs to an Amazon S3 bucket. Log prefix (Optional) If you enable standard ...
Reference documentation: https://aws.github.io/amazon-ivs-broadcast-docs/1.7.0/ios/ Added IVSBroadcastSessionAudioSessionStrategy.PlayAndRecordDefaultToSpeaker, which allows developers to specify whether devices with handsets (e.g., iPhones) prefer the speaker over the headset.Broadcast...
CloudFront supports two versions of standard logging. Standard logging (legacy) supports sending your access logs to Amazon S3only. Standard logging (v2) supports additional delivery destinations. You can configure both or either logging option for your distribution. For more information, see the follo...