You can submit reviews for items listed on Amazon. We encourage you to share your opinions, both favorable and unfavorable. Customer Reviews help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. ...
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1.Review 在国内电商平台,特别是淘宝、京东,我们在买东西的时候经常会看其他买家对这个产品的评论。如果都是5星好评,那么自己也有信心购买,如果看到有1星、2 星的差评,估计很多人就会关掉页面,去看别的同类产品。亚马逊也有这样的产品评论,英语名称是 customer reviews。 这个产品的评论数是963个,点击customer revie...
Customer reviews :Sherry:I CAN'T wear my silk clothes any more!☆Lily:Useful but quite different from the picture.☆☆Jason:It really helps me with the housework!☆☆☆(1)If you want to buy the product on sale,you need to pay ___ .A. $200B. $300C. $400D. $600(2)Amy liv...
通过Feedback Five,在征求Amazon product reviews的同时也索求feedback,这两种是二选一。第二步是Feedback Five email-builder 工具,用户可以选择他们要添进邮件的内容类型。选择“include product review link”,添加商品链接到邮箱。这个链接让买家提交已购产品评论更简单,也利于区分产品review和卖家feedback ...
你也可以进入Amazon商品评论中心。透过点选"customer reviews",选择依时间排列,你就可以看到评论者的名称和细节资料等。如果他们有提供联络讯息,那你很幸运地可以与他们联络。如果只有显示名字,你也可以尝试使用其他社群网站像是 Twitter 或是脸书。 5. 恳请Amazon的优质商品评论者为你商品评论。Amazon有商品评论者的排...
"Family members or close friends of person, group, or company selling on Amazon may not write customer reviews for those particular items." 这类评论也会被Amazon重点留意,所以这种方法对卖家账户有比较大的风险性。其次是寥寥几个亲友好评对产品的提升并没有太大的作用。
平均买家评论分数(Average Customer Review):总体平均的商品评论级数,以五星级的评级方式来显示。 收到的买家评论(Customer Reviews Received):商品获得商品评论的总数,无论好评差评一起计算。 销售排名(Sales Rank ):商品在该类别中的亚马逊评比排名,此项排名中有包含多项的影响因素,这边显示的都是经由内部计算过后所...
亚马逊卖家收到的评价除了本身的比如订单缺陷率、取消率、迟发率等这些客观指标外,还涉及到两种来自客户评价:product review和customer feedback。 product review是什么东西? 是针对产品本身的评价,不涉及物流、客服质量,任何在亚马逊上购买过一次商品的买家都可以评价,影响客户对产品的判断,不影响卖家绩效。用打分和文字...
In addition, Amazon customer reviews influence traditional media activities. For example, Brad Stone's book about the founder of Amazon, “The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon,” received a one-star review from Mr. Bezos's wife, MacKenzie Bezos, that generated wide ...