這些選用的意見回饋 ID 標籤是用來產生精細意見回饋的方式,例如您在電子郵件行銷活動中傳送的訊息。您可以在SendEmail操作請求的EmailTags欄位中指定為訊息標籤ses:feedback-id-<aorb>來使用 ,如下列範例所示: {"FromEmailAddress":"noreply@example.com","Destination":{"ToAddresses": ["customer@example.net"]...
If you have any questions or concerns about an order you made on the Amazon website, contact Amazon customer support. Filing complaintsIf you have a question or complaint about your Amazon Payments account, contact us at this address or phone number: Amazon Payments, Inc. PO Box 81226 ...
I am trying to reach customer support for an account on the CANADIAN amazon website (amazom.CA) via email. You give an email address in this thread: cs-reply@amazon.com. Am I correct in the assumption that this email address is for amazon.COM? (US rather than CANADA) Is there an eq...
When you purchase something from our store, as part of the buying and selling process, we collect the personal information you give us such as your name, address and email address.When you browse our store, we also automatically receive your computer’s internet protocol (IP) address in order...
Does Amazon Pay have customer fraud checks in place? To help reduce bad debt and lower your costs, Amazon Pay employs the fraud technology that backs Amazon.com, including fraud detection capabilities, charge-back controls, and risk management processes at no extra cost. For more information, se...
No. You can only use Amazon SES to send email from addresses or domains that you own. To prove that you own an email address or domain, you have to verify it. In each AWS Region, you can verify up to 10,000 email addresses and domains, in any combination. For more information about...
You are responsible for not fulfilling orders that infringe on a trademark owner’s rights. Even if the infringing content is provided to you by the customer for their customised order, you should not fulfil the order. For example, if a customer requests to add the Amazon logo to a customis...
This Amazon Registrar Change of Registrant Agreement (the “Change Agreement”) contains additional terms that govern a request for the change of the registrant name, organization, or email address of a Registered Name (“Change of Registrant”) and is an agreement between Amazon Registrar, Inc. ...
After you identify these factors, adjust your email sending behaviors to address them. If your account is under review At the end of the review period, if the complaint rate for your account remains above 0.5%, we might pause your account's ability to send email until you resolve the ...
Allow for all customer complaint or service inquiries to be dealt with by Amazon Amazon FBM: Understanding Performance Benchmarks Six leading indicators affect the performance of FBM/MFN Sellers: order defect rate cancellation rate late shipment rate valid tracking rate on-time delivery rate return ...