Bracelet Making Kit These kits make such fun gifts – and they're still really popular! The price can't be beat and they get nice reviews too. Cottonelle This might not be the most exciting deal – butbuying toilet paper onlinewhen it's marked down can save you a bundle!
in 1959, wasn't too popular when it launched. But itcaught the eyeof an Ohio company, which bought the product and saturated televisions with ads for the toy. It became a must-have for Christmas in 1960 and was so popular that the factory had to work until noon on Christmas Eve to f...
It’s a little early for Christmas movies, butThe Holdoversmay become a holiday tradition. Paul Giamatti stars as Paul Hunham, an unpopular and curmudgeonly teacher at Barton Academy boarding school in 1970. Hunham is forced to spend his Christmas vacation as a chaperone for the students who...
Davey was always the responsible oldest child. He cared for his father and I – making sure we were doing well and getting any help we needed. A couple of months before he was killed, my husband and I had rented an RV in Denver for a week and then drove it from Denver down to Pho...
Yes, I’m going to hell. I was in the 8thgrade when it all went down. We were practicing for the Christmas play at my little four-room schoolhouse on the prairie of tiny Harrisburg, Ohio. We only had maybe 60 or 70 students in all (my 8thgrade had but 12) and we everyone needed...
Snow crash has been on my reading list for ages, and I finally got to it。I'm happy to have read it。 But only because I won't have to read it ever again。Where to start ?The characters are cardboard caricatures, maybe because this was initially intended to be a com First, a ...
This poem, a quirky merging of philosophical theses and sports headlines, has a rapidly changing pulse and collaged source structure that parallel the direction Ted took while making the postcard poems that led to A Certain Slant of Sunlight. The collaborative nature of the project, which ...