Mary Downing Hahn weaves a tale of two children who live near a decaying Victorian mansion, bound to the place by a mysterious set of rules. A tale of malicious sprites called the Kinde Folke who snatch Mollie's baby brother and replace him with a hideous changeling, and of Mollie's jo...
Amazon in the UK expanded its long-standing partnership with nonprofit Magic Breakfast to reach more children at risk of hunger. In addition to being a significant financial donor, Amazon distributed more than two million free, healthy breakfasts to children studying at home due to COV...
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#1 Best Seller in Children's Coloring Books 2 offers from $7.99 Mom, I Want to Hear Your Story: A Mother's Guided Journal To Share Her Life & Her Love Jeffrey Mason 4.7 out of 5 stars 13,275 Hardcover #1 Best Seller in Journal Writing Self-Help 33 offers from $11.90 See personali...