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When your free trial or membership period ends, we'll automatically charge for the next membership period. Current Amazon Prime membership pricing: $14.99 per month $139 per year Prime Video membership is $8.99 per month Current Amazon Prime Student membership pricing (visit
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Members of Prime Student/Prime for Young Adults can’t share their Prime benefits. Amazon Prime Fuel Savings: Save 10¢ a gallon at over 7,000 bp, Amoco, and ampm gas stations across the U.S. with a free, linked earnifyTM account. ...
Amazon Student is now available in Canada! If you're a post-secondary student, you can now sign up for an Amazon Student membership and receive free Amazon Prime benefits for 6 months! For the duration of this trial period, you'll get all the Amazon Prime benefits s...
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取消Amazon的Prime Membership分为以下几个步骤:步骤一:进入amazon.com首页并登陆,将鼠标光标移至网页右侧的 “Hello,(用户名), Your Account” 下拉后,点击 Your Account,步骤二:进入Your Account页面后,找到 “Settings”, 然后点击 “Manage Prime Membership”。步骤三:随后,可以看到网页左上...
如何取消Amazon的Prime Membership会员费(转) 前几天在美亚试用了一下prime,结果后来收到邮件,被告知prime membership涨价至99刀。点进去发现:用户可以免费试用一个月,如果一个月到期,用户不主动取消,会被自动续费。于是准备取消,发现很难找到取消页面,论坛里给出的答案也不统一或是用的旧版本的amazon页面。我把取消...