Darüber hinaus halten Amazon-Teams und breitere Organisationen wöchentlich Betriebsanalysemeetings ab, an denen leitende Führungskräfte, Manager und viele Ingenieure teilnehmen. Während dieser Meetings nutzen wir einGlücksrad, um High-Level-Audit-Dashboards auszuwählen. Stakeholder über...
Amazon Builders' Library页面介绍了Amazon 是如何构建和运营软件的。并按内容或软件交付与运营的类别进行分类,供您参考学习。
While simple in its wording, it's profound because it gets to the heart of our success to date as well as for the future. The answer lies in our discipline around deeply held principles: 1/ hiring builders who are motivated to continually improve and expand what's possible; 2/...
Die Builders’ Library ist kostenlos und im Internet frei zugänglich. Ein AWS-Konto wird nicht benötigt. F: Worin besteht der Unterschied zwischen Inhalten der Level 200, 300 und 400? Die Artikel und Beiträge werden gemäß ihrer Spezifität in Level eingeteilt. Level 200 bedeutet...
12/2 (月) 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM (太平洋標準時) | Wynn, Level 1, Lafite 4, Builders’ 1 12/2 (月) 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM (太平洋標準時) | Wynn, Level 1, Lafite 4, Builders’ 1 12/3 (火) 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (太平洋標準時) | Wynn, Level 1, Latour 7 ...
Anupam Dewanis a Senior Solutions Architect with a passion for Generative AI and its applications in real life. He and his team enable Amazon Builders who build customer facing application using generative AI. He lives in Seattle area, and outside of work loves to go on hiking and enjoy natu...
driving revenue, adoption, and growth from the largest and fastest growing small- and mid-market accounts to enterprise-level customers including public sector. The AWS Global Support team interacts with leading companies and believes that world-class support is critical to customer success. AWS Suppo...
Amazon副总法律顾问Nate Sutton去年7月在小组委员会听证会上作证说 , “ Amazon为自己是一家建筑公司 ( company of builders ) 而自豪 , 我们从内部构筑 ( build ) 了我们的公司 , 而非通过收购 。” 但调查过程中发现的证据表明 , Amazon的收购行为 —— 包括对其直接竞争对手的收购 —— 是其获得 、 维...
A workspace is where your users (builders and explorers) work with Amazon Bedrock foundation models in Amazon Bedrock Studio. Before you can create a workspace, you must configure single sign-on (SSO) for your users with AWS IAM Identity Center. When you create a workspace, you specify detail...
In January 2024, we welcomed the first cohort of learners of AWS Cloud Institute, a comprehensive program designed to equip aspiring cloud builders with the skills needed for high-demand roles in cloud technology. Today, we’re thrilled to celebrate the graduation of this inaugural cohort of AWS...