“Remarkably Bright Creatures is a beautiful examination of how loneliness can be transformed, cracked open, with the slightest touch from another living thing.” -- Kevin Wilson, author of Nothing to See Here For fans of A Man Called Ove, a...
Example:For a Christmas tree seller, one of your keywords could be "Christmas Tree (broad)." If a customer searches for "Christmas tree stand," your ad may appear for "Christmas Tree" since your keyword is of the broad match-type. Your ad for your Christmas tree appeared when a customer...
The plateaus have a maximum tree height of about 30–40 m and the soil is dominated by clay. In the valleys, the vegetation grows over sandy soils and is less dense as well as having a lower canopy height [18]. The experimental data were collected between March and December 2014, ...
Missy can read people like books. She's a perfectly attentive host. Rose hugs her parents. ROSE (CONT'D) Hi! DEAN There she is! MISSY Hello sweetheart. Chris stands there awkwardly. ROSE Chris, this my Mom and my Dad. Mom, Dad; Chris. Hey. CHRIS Dean holds his hand out. DEAN ...