準備要移轉的 AWS 執行個體 設定複寫設備 顯示其他 8 個 本教學課程顯示如何使用「Azure Migrate:伺服器評量」和移轉和現代化工具來探索、評估 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 虛擬機器 (VM),並將其移轉至 Azure VM。注意 您會將 AWS VM 視為實體伺服器,以將其遷移至 Azure。在...
在Azure Migrate and Modernize 中心添加迁移和现代化工具。 设置复制设备并部署配置服务器。 在要迁移的 AWS VM 上安装出行服务。 为VM 启用复制。 跟踪和监视复制状态。 运行测试迁移,确保一切按预期正常进行。 运行到 Azure 的完整迁移。 如果没有 Azure 订阅,请在开始之前先创建一个免费帐户。
In this architecture, data migration is done over a private peering link between AWS Direct Connect and Azure Express Route such that data never traverses over public Internet. It requires use of AWS VPC and Azure Virtual network. You need to install ADF self-hosted integration runtime on a ...
在此体系结构中,数据迁移是通过 AWS Direct Connect 与 Azure Express Route 之间的专用对等互连链路完成的,因此,数据永远不会遍历公共 Internet。 它需要使用 AWS VPC 和 Azure 虚拟网络。 需要在 Azure 虚拟网络中的 Windows VM 上安装 ADF 自承载集成运行时才能实现此体系结构。 可以手动纵向扩展自承载 IR VM ...
Figure 1. Azure/AWS services used Schema Conversion Converting the database schema and code objects is usually the most time-consuming operation in a heterogeneous database migration. AWS SCT is an easy-to-use application that you can install on an on-premises server, a local laptop/desktop, ...
This approach aims to minimize the overall load time for the migration process Solution overview In the following architecture diagram, we have created our Azure SQL Database in a private subnet within the Microsoft Azure Cloud. We have an RDS for SQL Server instance in the...
AWS Big Data BlogMigrate Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics to Amazon Redshift using AWS SCTby Ahmed Shehata, Anusha Challa, and Jagadish Kumar on 18 OCT 2023 in Amazon Redshift, Analytics, AWS Schema Conversion Tool, Enterprise Strategy, Migration, Technical How-to Permalink Comments S...
There are two templates below, where one template covers one-time historical data migration and another template covers synchronizing the changes from AWS S3 to Azure.For the template to migrate historical data from Amazon S3 to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2...
Migration from AWS Azure Migrate Compute Migrate from EKS to AKS Security for AWS Azure Databricks for AWS Azure Service Fabric for AWS Azure VPN Gateway for AWS Azure for Google Cloud professionals Design Patterns Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework Azure categories Industry solutions with Azure...
使用SageMaker AI 和 Azure 建置MLOps工作流程 DevOps 使用CloudFormation 在 Amazon Bedrock 中設定記錄 在Step Functions 中建立模型訓練 SageMaker 的 Docker 容器 在 上部署RAG使用案例 AWS 在單一 SageMaker 端點中部署多個管道模型物件 使用RAG和 ReAct 提示來開發 AI 聊天...