Job Overview Amazon contracts with Delivery Service Partners (DSP) to obtain delivery services. Each DSP is an independent third-party business. Amazon DSP delivery drivers are crucial to ensuring packages are delivered to customers in your community on time. As a delivery driver working for a Del...
Amazon is hiring now for warehouse jobs, delivery drivers, fulfillment center workers, store associates and many more hourly positions. Apply today!
What is Amazon Flex? It's simple: you're an independent contractor. You use your own vehicle to deliver packages for Amazon as a way of earning extra money to move you closer to your goals. To be eligible, you must: Be 21 or older Have a valid U.S. driver’s license Have a mid...
Amazon Delivery Driver You’ll deliver packages to homes and retail locations as a driver for an Amazon delivery service partner (DSP). No special license is needed. Begin your journey to start delivering smiles ➜ Amazon Pharmacy You’ll be part of the team that is creating the future of...
Amazon is hiring now for warehouse jobs, delivery drivers, fulfillment center workers, store associates and many more hourly positions. Apply today!
A delivery, order or return eBooks, Prime Videos, Music, or Games Prime Payment, charges or gift cards Address, security & privacy Memberships, subscriptions or communications Kindle, Fire, Alexa, or other Amazon devices eBooks, Prime Videos, Music, or Games ...
It’s simple: You use your own vehicle to deliver packages for Amazon as a way of earning extra money to move you closer to your goals. Reserve a block. Make deliveries. Get paid, enjoy life, repeat. Why deliver with Amazon Flex?
For What Purposes Does Amazon Use Your Personal Information? We use your personal information to operate, provide, develop, and improve the products and services that we offer our customers. These purposes include: Purchase and delivery of products and services. We use your personal information to...
Tuition reimbursement and free job training for expanded careers in nursing, tech, and more. Benefits Healthcare, parental leave, ways to save for the future, employee discounts, and more. Ready to get started? View all jobs in your area ...
Ameritfleet offers maintenance for our clients’ delivery fleet that improve uptime, safety and reliability while providing outstanding service, quality and value. “At Amerit Fleet Solutions, we need to be available for our customers 24/7 for urgent truck maintenance needs. However, until recently...