Raj Sisodia, who wrote the bookConscious Capitalismwith Mackey and has spoken to him recently, says being taken over by Amazon is the best way out.“It enables Whole Foods to continue to be a ‘conscious’ company, and it takes away some of the short-term pressures on them,” ...
Survive and Advance: Lessons on Living a Life without Compromise Derek Lewis Hardcover 16 offers from $18.61 #21 Conscious Capitalism, With a New Preface by the Authors: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business John Mackey 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,292 Paperback 128 offers from $2.12 #22 ...
Making Jewish Vulture Capitalism Great Again “What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is mine…especially at distressed prices at the fire sale after “Jewish lightening” struck a Gentile competitor’s home and business. ~~~*~~~ Mint Press News: The Israeli Plan To Capitalize On Syria’...
The Crabs and the Bucket Communism As A Side Effect of the Transition To Capitalism Google and Wikipedia, Revisited National Geographic’s Obesity BS Cavemen Theodicy Is For Losers Seattle Redux Quitting Living Well A Memory of Gateway Is Apple’s Font Rendering Really Non-Pixel-Aware? Humans Are...
Cronon argues that wilderness came to be imagined in the North as a place of spiritual redemption, allowing one to live without guilt in an industrialized, polluted landscape and retreat to wilderness to cure oneself of capitalism's ills [1]. Thus, northern notions of wilderness are built on ...
I use my Creativity every day in my writing and as I create my business—having fun coming up with new ways to share wisdom and innovative ways to build my business embodying the ideals of love, fun and conscious capitalism that I believe in. 4 PhilosophersNotes | Authentic Happiness 2. ...
collectors to scale these practices into sizable subcultures and alternative commodity economies is the sign of a new condition of hypersociality, produced at the intersection of childhood, commodity capitalism, and communication technologies. T. L. Taylor (Chapter 7) extends this reflection on the...
Late capitalism makes familiar strangers of us all, but DAYS redeems the generous pace of physical experience and revives our powers of observation. The beauty of Tsai's cinema is not in events unfolding: it's in the unyielding patience and wondrous attunement to the minor details that ...