普通chase信用卡有如下规定:如果满足下列条件之一,你将无法获得开卡奖励并且申请会被秒拒:(1)正在持有这张信用卡;(2)24个月内获得过这张卡的开卡奖励。注意是从拿到开卡奖励的时刻开始算,不是开卡时刻也不是关卡时刻。 30天内尽量不要申请大于2张Chase的卡,否则很大概率被拒。 建议在信用记录一年以上时申请。 总...
Prime会员成功申请Amazon Prime Visa信用卡,可以在Amazon.com、Whold Foods MarketAmazon Fresh和Chase Travel购物时享受5%返现优惠;在餐厅、加油站、本地交通消费可享受2%返现;其余消费享受1%返现;信用卡无年费和无境外交易手续费。 Prime会员也可以选择申请Amazon Prime Store Card,这款信用卡无年费,但只能用于Amazon....
If you have already linked your cards and aren’t targeted, you may consider removing your Chase card from your account completely, and then linking it again after a day, and then checking the offer page(s) again after another day. Items must be marked as both sold AND shipped by Amazon...
在Amazon 上,如果你用点数支付(比如 UR,MR 点等),有时候可以获得很大的折扣。这次是如果用 Chase UR 点数支付(任意金额,可以填 $0.01,只需要 1 个 UR 点,但折扣照样有),可以享受满减优惠,还可以用于多家 Gift cards。 文章目录[隐藏] 更新日志 12/29/2024 更新:更多人的账户也有了,这次可能是最高 50%...
非学生:如果你已不再是学生,可以试用一个月会员(Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial)。你也可以先获取一些打折 Amazon Gift Card,来支付 Prime 的费用 开卡奖励:Prime 开卡送 $100 Amazon 礼品卡(开卡直接发) 消费返点:Amazon、Whole Foods、Chase Travel 5%;餐馆、公共交通和共享汽车 2%、加...
This offer is available only to Amazon.com customers with an eligible Chase Ultimate Rewards card issued in the United States and who have not previously used Chase Ultimate Rewards points to pay for all or part of a purchase on Amazon.com. ...
The rep I spoke to with Chase said I can combine the two into one card. And before anyone says "why not just keep both?" I'm trying to condense my wallet. I have too many cards. My current list of cards: - Amazon Visa - Freedom Unlimited Visa - Bilt Mastercard - Bank of ...
如果还没有将你的 Chase 卡添加到 Amazon Points,需要先在这个链接添加 添加至少 $60 商品到购物车,注意商品必须是 Amazon 直营(即 shipped and sold by Amazon) 结账时选择 Chase Rewards Card 填写想要使用的 UR 点数,要想激活优惠,只需要使用 1 个点数就可以啦,即 $0.01(示例见下图) ...
Manage your account quickly and securely with Chase Online Simply sign in to view account activity, set up alerts, check your rewards balances, and more. Footnote2(Opens Overlay)Footnote 1 Amazon.com Gift Cards: This credit card is available to you if you do not currently have an Amazon Vis...
Amazon.com Rewards Visa Card: 888-247-4080Web site: Chase Card Member Services: (web address snipped by Amazon, which is slightly confusing to me since it can only help their customers...go figure).I'll update the rating and this post on how good the rewards are, etc., after I've ...