Gas Type: Propane Model: High pressure gas hose (350 PSIG) QCC1 / Type1 & 1LB Connect Comes with a QCC1 connection that you to hook a 1lb portable appliance to a 5-100 lb tank, which is suitable for heaters, portable grills, propane stoves, tabletop grills, Weber Q series gas...
4 1/2 3/4外螺纹黄铜水平垂直开/关磁性水流开关传感器铝合金螺旋油位观察镜量规燃油表自动量规水温计30米50米100米深井声级计150米200米深尺300米500米水位计传感器100% 原装VEGACAP 67电容式高温电极,用于液位检测雷达液位测量开关电容高精度可靠性IP68水位传感器液位传感器10m水位传感器升压量规涡轮增压仪表数字燃油...