May 18, 2014 Permalink Good Superheroes are heroic because they feel a moral obligation to help the average Joe. Not this Spider-Man. All the characters struggle against the system that has perpetuated falsehoods. The main characteristic of the film is the gloomy atmosphere, emphasizing the deso...
New Amazing Spider-Man to focus on Peter Parker “Even though this is a new #1, I don’t think of it as a ‘restart’ per se,” Kelly explained in an interview withPolygon. “I’m writing the next chapter of the story of one the world’s greatest characters, lucky enough...
绘本《The AMAZING Spider-Man, Level 1 World of Reading (Disney Early Readers)》,Marvel Books 绘本内容 The MarvelHeroes of Reading line of early readers is designed to offer reluctant readers, specifically boys, books that they willwantto read by featuring characters they love. The series is br...
2020The reading experience for “Last Remains” has been very interesting. Nick Spencer and Marvel have decided to split this big Spider-Man event up into two different series. First in the main Amazing Spider-Man series we are getting everything from Peter Parker and Kindred/Harry Osborn’s ...
The Amazing Spider-Man: The Kotaku Review By Evan Narcisse PublishedJune 29, 2012 There probably hasn't ever been a superhero who hasn't gone through the cycle of losing his/her powers, getting them back and becoming more powerful than ever. It's been the same for video game series dev...
PREVIEWSworld | Comic Book, Graphic Novel and Pop-Culture Merchandise News, Previews, Release Dates and More
The Avengers—had a major full-force impact on the web-head. Still very much a product of Sony’s Columbia Pictures that gave us two of the past decade’s definitive superhero movies,The Amazing Spider-Manwas a project haunted by retreading familiar ground from those movies, awkwardly ...
I’ve mentioned before that over the past few years I found myself straying away from AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. Pretty much since the insanity of “Brand New Day” started I just lost interest and it wasn’t until the recent “Spider Island” storyline that I started to enjoy reading it again...
GANG WAR CONTINUES! Battle lines are drawn, with Spidey and his crew being the only ones who can save all of New York City from the worst super criminals to ever super criminal! But is Tombstone on THEIR SIDE?! And you won't believe your eyes reading the last page of this issue!
This year marks the 60th anniversary ofSpider-Manand Marvel Comics is proud to celebrate its most iconic hero with a new volume of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN brought to life by two acclaimed comic book talents! His “Shed” storyline is considered one of the best Spider-Man stories of al...