Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: asombrosoextraordinario amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ] ADJ 1. (= astonishing)→ asombrosothat's amazing news!→ ¡es una noticia asombrosa! 2. (= wonderful)→ extraordinarioKay's an amazing cook→ Kay es una cocinera extraordinaria Collins Spanish Di...
It is often used as a slang term to refer to a man or boy, particularly among Spanish-speaking communities in the United States. The term is often used in casual or informal settings, and can be used as a term of endearment or as a way to address someone informally. Here are a few...
TAP Tasa de Alumbrado Público (Spanish: Public Lighting Rate) TAP Telephone Assistance Plan (various locations) TAP Transportes Aéreos Portugueses (Air Portugal) TAP Transportation Action Plan (various locations) TAP Telecommunications Access Program TAP Teen Abstinence Program (various locations) TAP Tr...
it's used when you want to show your eagerness or interest in a particular activity, and your ...
To Release ‘I Want My R.E.M.TV’ in November; Watch ‘Everybody Hurts’ and ‘Drive’ Live from 1993 October 15, 2014 Exclusive: Bob Dylan’s Handwritten Lyrics For ‘New Basement Tapes’ Song ‘Spanish Mary’ – Check Them Out! October 15, 2014 Video: Listen to Neil Young Talk...
Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: asombrosoextraordinario amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ] ADJ 1. (= astonishing)→ asombrosothat's amazing news!→ ¡es una noticia asombrosa! 2. (= wonderful)→ extraordinarioKay's an amazing cook→ Kay es una cocinera extraordinaria Collins Spanish Di...
Spanish / Español Select a language: asombrosoextraordinario amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ]ADJ 1.(=astonishing) →asombroso that's amazing news!→¡es una noticiaasombrosa! 2.(=wonderful) →extraordinario Kay's an amazing cook→Kay es unacocineraextraordinaria ...