The bitter weather conditions in Antarctica have made it a dangerous habitat for life to survive . The continenthas no trees , and only low plants such as moss , grow there . The continent has one native insect :the tiny Antarctic midge.Almost all ...
Amazing Facts is a Christian media ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the three angels' message of Revelation 14. God’s Message Is Our Mission!
Grand Statues Of The World Grand Wedding grant tomb Great Electric Guitarists great india Great White Shark Great White Shark facts Great White Shark habitats Great White Shark information Great White Shark news Greatest Geological Miracle Green Anaconda Guaperu Guapuru Guiness Boo...
Six interesting facts that you’ll learn (Many more inside) 1) Aztec warriors consumed these tiny seeds to build stamina and boost energy. 2) Chia seeds are perhaps nature's most nutritious foods. 3) Eating chia seeds keeps you full for much longer. 4) Used to promote weight loss...
The world we live in is full of wonders and amazements that never fail to fascinate us. From the depths of the ocean to the vast expanse of outer space, there are countless incredible phenomena and facts that make our planet truly unique. In this article, we will explore some of the a...
②Whatdotheythinkofthefacts? 研学五、看漫画部分Doyouknowwhattheyaretalkingabout?Let’shaveaguess. 研学六、重点句型解析 1.Comeon,Eddie.It’sjustaplane. Comeon得了吧(表示知道某人说的话不正确时说的一种语气词) Comeon来吧,赶快(用来催促对方)Comeon加油(用于体育比赛等) 快点儿,否则我们上课就迟到了。
Myths And Facts About The Durian Considered a delicacy by some and gross to others, durian fruit is one of those things you either love it or hate it. Most south east Asians absolutely love it, for the rest of us its kind of hit or miss. Ignore the smell, you really have to try...
4.AskstudentstoreadtheconversationinPartB.Inpairs,theyprepareasimilar conversationaboutthestrangethingsinPartA. Step5Game Askstudentsaboutanyotherstrangethingstheyknowof.Thiscouldbestrangefactsor imaginarythings.Askstudentstoworkinpairsandwritedownkeywordsanddraw ...
Pretend you are a scientist studying Antarctica . Use the facts in the bookto write a journal entry about what you see and do in a day. Science Learn more about emperor penguins. Make a poster about them that includes words and pictures . ...
1.Grasp some words、phrases and drills about Amazing things.Ability Aims:1.Let students know some unusual things in the world.2.Let students use some adjectives to express their feelings.Feeling Aims:1.To stimulate students’ interest in strange phenomena in life and nature.2.To stimulate str...