This delightful picture-book series is the perfect introduction to some reall... (展开全部) 作者简介 ··· TONY MITTON was born in Tripoli, North Africa, and grew up in Africa, Germany, Hong Kong, and England. He divides his time between teaching and writing children's books. He lives...
Series: Amazing Animal Books, Book 2. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,620. Language: English. Published: May 17, 2013 by JD-Biz Corp Publishing. Categories: Nonfiction » Children’s Books » Animals / Wolves & Coyotes, Nonfiction » Children’s Books » Animals / Endangered Bestselling...
Riggs, Kate / Saunders Book Co / 2011-4 / $ 7.90 (目前无人评价) From fleet-footed cheetahs to howling wolves, and from playful dolphins to ear... Dolphins Riggs, Kate / Saunders Book Co / 2011-4 / $ 7.90 (目前无人评价) From fleet-footed cheetahs to howling wolves, and from playfu...
《Eric Carle's Book of Amazing Animals 英文原版 艾瑞·卡尔的动物之书 精装绘本 英文版 进口英语原版书籍》,作者:Eric Carle's Book of Amazing Animals 英文原版 艾瑞·卡尔的动物之书 精装绘本 英文版 进口英语原版书籍Eric 著,出版社:Penguin,ISBN:9780241381670
Animalslivingintheirhomes-whatabeautifulsighttosee! 动物生活在它们的栖息地——多么美好的景象啊! Nowitsyourturn. 现在,轮到你了。 朗文少儿英语口语课文AmazingAnimals神奇的动物--第1页 朗文少儿英语口语课文AmazingAnimals神奇的动物--第2页 “动物 Animalsdoamazingthingsandhaveamazinghabits. 动物会做一些神奇的... The series is known as one of the most beautiful on the kindle. The pictures look great even in black and white and are excellent on the full color kindle. Lots of facts and photos will help your children learn about these wonderful animals. Children are ...
为了激发孩子们对动物世界的探索兴趣,提高孩子们的英语表达能力和运用能力,同时锻炼他们的创造力和动手能力,11月4日,小学部三年级英语组开展“Amazing Animals Book”绘本制作评比活动。 活动中,同学们充分发挥自己的创意和才华,制作出了一本本...
系列(Series) Amazing Animals (Creative Education); This book is a basic exploration of the appearance, behavior, and habitat of zebras, which are striped African horses. Also included is a story from folklore explaining how zebras came to have striped fur.在...
Amazing Animals 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Let your fingers do the walking"--"and dancing, and playing, and skating, and wagging. Children really get caught up in the action with this cool new series of board books. It's wonderfully simple: kids stick their fingers through the ho...
Unit3AmazinganimalsWhatwildanimalsdoyouknow?BStarttoread Listenandchant Listenandchant Somanyanimals如此多的动物Thinkandsay-Whatanimalsdoyousee?-Iseea/an... The___isbig.ThinkandsayWhatanimalsarebig?pandaelephantliontigerbear The___issmall.ThinkandsayWhatanimalsaresmall?redpandafoxmonkeybirdcatrabbitfishp...