Brian Yee, W6BY, brought his Amateur radiobeacon. A beacon is a one-way radio transmitters usually used as “propagation indicator” to help see how signals are traveling through the air. They can also be used as a signal source or reference to measure frequency, calibrate radio receivers an...
Frequency Allocation charts ARRL Band Plans Frequency Allocations. SPECTRUM: Printable Amateur Radio Frequency Spectrum Chart: IARU version of the individual band plans are presented as separate...
Amateur Radio Obtains a Secondary Medium Frequency Allocation at WRC-12 02/14/2012 It’s official--delegates attending the 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12) have approved a new 7-kilohertz-wide secondary allocation between 472-479 kHz for the Amateur Radio Service. Agenda Item 1.23...
1927 - the Union (forerunner of (ITU) allocated frequency bands to the various radio services existing at the time (fixed, maritime and aeronautical mobile, broadcasting, amateur and experimental) to ensure greater efficiency of operation in view of the increase in the number of services using f...
General Ham Radio Links Ham Radio SS Links Ham Radio FAQs Info on Short Wave Listening SWL Frequency Lists Info on Long Wave HF FAX Lists Old Time Radio Scanning Other WWW Sites Ham-Related FTP Servers Related Pages on SSS Online Ham EME (Moonbounce) Links ...
业余无线电业务(包括业余业务和卫星业余业务(英语:Amateur-satellite service))由国际电信联盟(ITU)通过《无线电规则(英语:Radio Regulations)》设立。 LASER-wikipedia2 The 2015 ITU World Radiocommunications Conference (WRC-15) approved a Worldwide Frequency Allocation of 5.351.5–5.366.5 MHz to the Amat...
Some clever chaps at theGARChave devised a way to make these a goer on our 3.4Ghz ham band. The main activity in Australia has shifted down to 3398 MHz SSB from the old 3400MHz. This is due to a recent shift in thefrequency allocationin Australia for this band. The panels work fine...
it should be able to arrange permission for "cross-service" communication with the historical maritime stations, resulting in a larger and more effective emergency-comms capability. This capability will be a much more important reason to retain a frequency allocation at 500 kHz than are either the...
Radiolocation 410-470 MHz (UHF) Region 3 Federal Government 410-420 FIXED MOBILE United States Table Non-Federal Government 410-420 US13 G5 US13 420-450 RADIOLOCATION 420-450 G2 Amateur Remarks Note: In this manual a primary allocation has been added for SPACE RESEARCH (space-to- space)...
It will be remembered by many that we've already lost an important and much loved two-way radio band, used by the more advanced CB operator and many Amateurs as well; namely the UK's wonderful 934MHz u.h.f. CB allocation, which remains unused to this day. This act resulted in the ...