DX spots are received via telnet or web services and displayed on a map of the world. You can filter the spots by call sign or band Spots are created using the latitude and longitude of the dx station and spotter. The program has a call parsing component to determine the country for ...
DX SkimmerReverse beacon network offers real-time spots from broadbanded receivers worldwide.CW Skimmer software. Hearty thanks go to VE3NEA, N4ZR, and PY1NB IOTA Contest ReflectorA mailing list dedicated to discussion of topics related to the IOTA (Islands on the Air) Contests;List home page...
Over on YouTube, Ham Radio DX has uploaded a video discussing the latter option and revealing its advantages. In the video, he mentions results by HB9VQQ that show that connecting an Airspy HF+ directly to an antenna via an SDR switch fromSDRSwitch.comresults in 60% more spots on WSPR,...
RSGB IOTA Spots U.S. Counties with Maps Provided by National Association of Counties, offers extensive and detailed information about US counties; both counties within a state and cities within counties are available. United States Counties(with a link to a county outline map for each state) ...
The Airmail Home Page Apples SetSail.com - the serious cruising sailor's website Instructions Short: AirMail Forms creator program Author: toysoft@spots.ab.ca AirMail NTSD Packet Radio http://www.packetradio.com/ TAPR http://www.tapr.org/tapr/html/pktf.html INTRODUCTION TO PACKET RAD...
Itscomprehensive, dual interfaceDX Spot Checker™— your choice ofRich Site FeedorGrid Feed— displays incoming spots and indicates whether you need to contact stations for a new or verified: DXCC entity Band entity Mode entity VUCC grid ...
https://www.dxmaps.com/spots/mapg.php?Lan=E I ran across this Ham site yesterday speculating on whether ionisation was sufficiently advanced to allow nighttime DX on 50 mhz from flaring that had occurred earlier. This am the e layer is already supporting communication in several areas of ...
It all depends on the number of sun spots. Another day, I can hardly make a signal off my antenna wire to a OM 1/2 mile down the road. Some enjoy fielding band conditions using various methods. See Beacons.BAND CONDITIONS BAND PLAN There are more than 700,000 Amateurs in the US and...
I’ve been using DX Spotter by YO8SAW for several years. The software, whose last built was 1.3.106has now been dismissedand it isno more supported, but I still have installed on my PC. I Find it very essential and usefull to track latest spots with easy filtering features. Even if ...
the image above. Latest DX Spots VisitVisit DXWATCH.com VisitHRDLOG.net Latest Propogation Data VisitN0NBHto get more propogation information Latest Aircraft Radar Around CLE Local ADS-B Virtual Radar Sweep Local ADS-B using ADSBexchange.com ...