The new five-channel 60-meter amateur allocation becomes available to US Amateur Radio operators at midnight (12:00 AM) local time on July 3. The local time designation means that amateurs in the US territory of Guam likely will be the first to get a crack at the new band. The FCC ...
Our Nets…• TVARC Ragchew –Net meets 7 PM Monday –443.225 MHz (+5) PL 103.5 & Echolink at K4VRC-R• QCWA Ragchew –Net meets 10 AM Friday –NOW meeting on 443.225 MHz (+5) PL 103.5 (Echolink at K4VRC-R)• SKYWARN –Net meets 8:30 PM Sunday –147.030 (+600) PL ...
You can see the details for these nets below. I donated a like-new Collins TCS-13 transceiver to the USS Hornet. You can now see it in the Radio Room on the ship docked in Alameda. I am cleaning out my HAM shack of the following: Heathkit Tube Generator and three boxes of tubes ...
145.3900-, DCS 047 | 444.4750+, Tone 103.5 (Temp) Thursday Night Nets at 6:30 PM on 145.390Read More OUR MISSION The promotion and encouragement of amateur radio in the City of Richfield and surrounding communities. Especially the advancement of education of amateur radio and its use in publ...
Event Name:Columbia Amateur Radio Club Swapfest Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025 Time: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM Location:North Trenholm Baptist Church, 6515 N. Trenholm Road, Columbia, SC Admission: FREE. See the Important Information section for vendor/seller details. ...
DXZone is the largest online resource for amateur radio operators, offering thousands of links to ham radio websites, antennas, software, DXing, and radio communications.
Tech Mike and Key Amateur Radio Club Northshore Fire Station 51 7220 NE 181st Kenmore, WA 98028 Contact Daniel Stevens, KL7WM, at . Specify the date of the classOther Classes, Nets and Conferences Date Event Organization Location Contact Continuous Rookie Roundtable Net Snoqualm...
YL Clubs,Nets, Pages Youth Radio ___ Z-Signals Zip Codes Zones, Atlas Zones, CQ Zones, ITU Zulu Time ___ 1 X 1 Callsigns 1X2 Vanity Avail 2X1 Vanity Avail 6 Meter Info 10 Meter Rpts 10-10 International 10-Codes 50KW AM Stations 60M Band 160M Band BACK ...
t matter whether the disaster is a naturally occurring event or one created by humans. There are many things that can (and do) happen to disrupt the communications grid. Where the cell phones, cable television, internet, and other service fail, the amateur radio community will still be ...
In the early days of my ham radio journey, I focused on contacting DX stations, those foreign radio operators. Later on, I delved into contesting and satellite communications. However, as time has passed, I’ve found myself drawn more towards participating in nets and engaging in relaxed, in...