ellipsoidal, acute or obtuse, with a short inflated neck below the style base, circum sessile a little below the middle or indehiscent. The fruit split along a transverse circular line (circumscissile) at maturity and are one-seeded. The seed is about 1 mm in diameter, lenticular, smooth, ...
Golden Giant amaranth can be direct-seeded or transplanted in spring after the danger of frost has passed. It requires full sun, and takes about 30 days from seeding to maturity for baby greens, or 110 days for seed production. 1 gram packet contains a minimum of 600 seeds. ...
The qualitative (plant growth habit, leaf colour, inflorescence colour, stem colour, inflorescence spininess, seed colour) and quantitative traits (plant height, stem girth, leaf length, leaf width, inflorescence length, days to 80% flowering, grain yield, leaf yield, and days to 80% maturity)...
Amaranth has a primary root with deeper spreading secondary fibrous root structures.[12] Inflorescences are in the form a large panicle that varies from terminal to axial, color, and sex. The tassel of fluorescence is either erect or bent and varies in width and length between species. Flowers...
! days) ! R7-R8 Time between physiological (R7) and harvest maturity (R8) (days) ! FL-VS Time from first flower to last leaf on main stem (photothermal ! days) ! TRIFOL Rate of appearance of leaves on the mainstem (leaves per ! thermal day) ! RWIDTH Relative width of this ecotype...
For further details refer to Figure 1. Full size image Figure 4 Soluble acid ( vacuolar) invertase (SAI) activity levels measured as μmoles of glucose equivalents per g of fresh weight released per minute at different days post partial defoliation (dppd) in (A) source leaves, (B) ...
Traits such as plant height, inflorescence length, and seed yield showed high GA and high heritability estimates for both locations, with the lowest being observed for days to maturity. The accessions were grouped into four primary clusters with majority of accessions i.e., 92 (37%) belonged ...
It was further suggested that leaf yield in amaranth genotypes may increase through the indirect selection of plant height at maturity, leaf length, and terminal inflorescence lateral length, which showed such significant indirect influences, mostly through leaf area, days to mat...
Harvesting at 20 days after sowing (DAS) was found to be suitable for November sowing considering economic yield as well as palatability. In December sowing had moderate palatability with leaf-stem ration 1.38. On the other hand, in January sowing when harvested at 30 DAS expressed acceptable ...
The qualitative (plant growth habit, leaf colour, inflorescence colour, stem colour, inflorescence spininess, seed colour) and quantitative traits (plant height, stem girth, leaf length, leaf width, inflorescence length, days to 80% flowering, grain yield, leaf yield, and days to 80% maturity)...