名称:Amanda the Adventurer 类型:独立 开发商:MANGLEDmaw Games 发行商:DreadXP 系列:DreadXP,Amanda the Adventurer 发行日期:2023 年 4 月 25 日 X Discord 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 在Steam 上查看“DreadXP”全合集作品
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冒险家阿曼达 Amanda the Adventurer豆瓣评分:7.9 简介:加入阿曼达和她的朋友绒绒羊的一系列冒险,探索和了解我们美好的世界!在几个全新的边玩边学、充满欢声笑语的剧集中,你总会找到乐趣!不过你一定要按照阿曼达所说的去做,否则她可能会生气喔。
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In Amanda the Adventurer 2, the story continues as Riley encounters a mysterious masked figure after destroying the TV in the attic. Travel to the Kensdale Public Library and dig deeper into the mystery of Amanda the Adventurer.
PC《冒险家阿曼达 Amanda the Adventurer》中文版下载v1.6.10!加入阿曼达和她的朋友绒绒羊的一系列冒险,探索和了解我们美好的世界!在几个全新的边玩边学、充满欢声笑语的剧集中,你总会找到乐趣!不过你一定要按照阿曼达所说的去做,否则她可能会生气喔。
Amanda the Adventurer stands out due to its unusual premise. It begins like a typical children’s TV show, but as the player progresses, they begin to notice strange patterns and messages hidden in the background. Players must interact with various elements, solving puzzles that reveal more abo...
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